The Xitzolani Ethnicity in pèryl | World Anvil
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The Xitzolani (ʃiʦolɑni)

The Peoples of the Narrow Realm, Xitzol, call themselves the Xitzolani /ʃiʦolɑni/* collecitvely. However, there are sub-groups among the Xitzolani, the most prominent are the Tlatlochans, the Xixi, the Oltz, the Calametzic and the Dribeogno.

Lesser factions include the Xi-Oltzic, the Xi-Oy, the Tlecxi, the Xi-Gallo, the Tlochan, the Che, the Chexi, and the Talagari.

*Xitzolani emitically is pronounced /ʒiʤ(ə)lɑni/. This is because, unlike later Yssian languages, which lacked most if not all voiced consonant distinctions, many Xitzolani languages were the inverse, instead featuring the dominance of voiced consonants. For example:  
  1. G is rendered /x/ in Yssian, but could be /g/ in Xitzolani.
  2. X is /ʃ/ in Yssian, but was usually /ʒ/ in Xitzolani.
  3. The name of the regnant pharaoh of Ysfet, Zitziya Achwat is /siʦija/ in Yssian, but would be /ziʣ(i)ja/ in Xitzolani.
  For many speakers of Xitzolani, the name of the Narrow Realm could be pronounced /ʒiʤəl/ (with the unstressed vowel becoming a schwa). Thus the demonym/genitive form would most commonly be pronounced: /ʃiʦolɑni/ as it is in contemporary Yssian, or historically /ʒiʤ(ə)lɑni/ (note the schwa-elision was also common).

Diverged ethnicities
Languages spoken

Cover image: Washed Away, Xitzol by 包德強