The Mbaran Mercantile Fleet Organization in pèryl | World Anvil
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The Mbaran Mercantile Fleet

No trade or seaborne travel exists in the world without the Mbarans and their numerous merchant houses. Although many nations have some modicum of relationship to the sea—fishers, pirates, local trade guilds—none can compare to the majesty, power, and abundance that is the Mbaran Mercantile Fleet.   The shipwrights of the Mbarans are the most advanced in all the world. No other vessels can possibly compare. As result of this, the Mercantile Fleet—itself compose of a trade alliance of hundreds of different houses from throughout the known world—has absolute monopoly on trade and transportation outside the borders of individual states.   Mbaran vessels transport troops to theatres of war. The fastest Mbaran ships bear goods from across the seas of Tzai-Léi to Gruthe to Tcha—from the Myriad Islands of their homeland to the gemstone mines of Xitzol—and back again. Under cover of darkness and fog, elite strike teams are launched from Mbaran clippers—perhaps the very same clippers that only just bore their enemies passage to their strikes.   If it exists and is traded, the Mbarans have had a part of it. If it is seaworthy, it is made by the Mbarans.

Wind and Sea and Coin

Alliance, Economic
Alternative Names
The Trade Fleet of the Mbaré; the Mbaran Mercantile Houses
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Related Species

Cover image: by BJRP


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