Swamp Daily Organization in Pentos | World Anvil
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Swamp Daily

The main source of News in the Reedlands, it has been around for centuries and is known for a non-political perspective on world events.


Lead by a Director who manages the Lead Editor, who manages everyone else alongside Supervisors.

Public Agenda

To provide news to the people of the Reedlands in a non-bias perspective


They have offices in all major Reed cities (SwampsShore, Haroldry and Steed). They earn a steady income from their newspaper.


Founded by realists and people who wanted to provide the real facts away from common House Reed propaganda. It has had many forms and was even temporarily replaced during the times of the Union.

"Day after Day, We Got News!"

Founding Date
437 ACE
Broadcasting, Newspaper / Magazine
Alternative Names
The News
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities


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