Fogr Species in Pentos | World Anvil
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Written by ImDarkWhite

Basic Information


They have two limbs- Very long legs, that go directly into a short, fat torso and head. They use their tongue like chameleons to catch various types of bugs. They are mostly made of soft tissue and have thin skeletons. Their legs are generally very muscular and are used to jump to the top of trees.

Growth Rate & Stages

They follow the growth stages of frogs however, their tadpoles have legs that grow throughout the stages. It can grow from infant to adult in about a year and then live for another 20 or so years after that.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer wet climates with lots of trees however they are easily adapted to other environments as long as there is a source of water or mud for them to moisturise.

Additional Information


They are fairly illusive so aren't kept as pets that often, however Dortitahh Seltra did own one during their early adult life. They are the only known person to ever own one and it is unknown whether or not the species can be domesticated or if tehy are even real.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They mostly live on forest but also have populations on all other islands of The Bear Isles and some on the coast of House Sand, House Stone, and House Sprinklage -- though they are more sparse in those areas.

Average Intelligence

They are fairly intelligent creatures and have some form of critical thinking skills, usually relying on traps and trickery to get their prey.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can't hear very well but their vision is very good and they can jump 20ft in the air, giving them the ability to spot and avoid predators.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Longa Crura
16 years
Conservation Status
This species is thought to be rare though in actuality their population is plentiful and they are in fact masters at camouflage. They don't have any conservation surrounding them as it is debated among the people if they are even real.
Average Height
1 metre tall
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have a green colouration in their more forested habitats though they generally emulate the average colour of their surroundings. For instance the rare Stone Fogr has a lumpy grey colouration and texture, helping them blend in with the gravel. They can be striped, spotted, or plain and show great variations over their habitats.
Related Ethnicities


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