Dwarves Species in Pendent | World Anvil
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Dwarves, created by Moradin⁣ on Dheg Lodar⁣, live and die by their honor, seeking out proving grounds to demonstrate their value.   Talented dwarven craftsmen work tirelessly at their forges to create new and wondrous items. Each creation is tagged with the forger's unique mark, ensuring that curious consumers can purchase one of their own from the same craftsman.   Dwarven warriors seek out honor in conflict. This leads to massive and joyous battles during wartimes, and fighting pits during the rare peace. The defeated are forgotten and the victors are lionized.   Though they are well known as skilled iron workers, Dwarves live for battle. They boast about old battle stories, actively seek war to prove personal or family value, and find pure joy in the art of combat. Dwarves are bound by oath to serve and fight for their region's dynasty. This oath is typically millennia old, and families can trace ancestors a dozen generations ago who fought for the same dynasty.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Closely follows the Norse naming traditions   Common Male given names: Arnorr, Einarr, Bjorn, Ragnarr, Ketill, Thorthr, Skuli, Oddi, Knorr, Kolbeinn, Hallbjron, Gils, Gormr, Eindrithi, Bersi, Asmundr, Atli, Svertingr, Tanni, Vali, Vemundr   Common Female given names: Gurthrun, Helga, Jorunn, Thorunn, Vigdis, Aldis, Arnora, Asta, Astrid, Bera, Bolla, Brynhildr, Dagny, Dalla, Dis, Drifa, Grima, Hervor, Holmdis, Ingunn, Jora, Jorunn, Katla, Klfinna, Kolgrima, Magnhildr, Myrun, Oddleif, Ragnhildr, Rannlaug, Sinn, Solveig, Sigrunn, Tofa, Ulfrun, Valdis, Vedis, Veny, Yrr   Family names are either directly related to the parent's name (Grimsson and Grimsdottir) or a nickname (Fairhair, Bluetooth, the Red, the Wise, Bloodaxe).

Major Organizations

Beauty Ideals

Chicks dig scars. Dudes dig scars. Everyone digs scars.


Created by Moradin⁣ on Dheg Lodar⁣.   Ruled by King Grun⁣ of the Gorek Dynasty⁣, which supplanted the Wings of Fak⁣ during The Changing of Hands⁣ after invoking The Unforgivable⁣ against Fak Egglezib⁣.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions


While Aasimar have a direct link to paradise, their maker, Altir⁣, showed great dishonor in The Great Game⁣. Behind their holiness may be an ulterior motive.  


Dragonborn clearly have the right focus on finely made things. They will always be willing to buy our grand works with their seemingly unending wealth.  




The tree hippies are excellent at healing battle wounds, but tend to avoid conflict.  


King Grun⁣ ordered The Changing of Hands⁣ based on a claim of committing The Unforgivable⁣. Few beyond Grun know the claim, but all dwarves know that it must truly be a horrific sin to cast out an entire species.  


Dwarves have a complex relationship with goliaths. The common fighting style of goliaths leans on raiding and pillaging, both of which are extremely dishonorable. But, their absolute size makes them an interesting challenge to face. Some hope to convert goliaths to the more honorable dwarven ways, while others will avoid them to keep their sense of honor intact.  


Shorter than a dwarf and no predilection to battle? At least they cook well.  


Humans are excellent warriors, but they do not always adhere to honor. Keep an eye on them - they are willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want!  


Tieflings have a direct link to hell, and their maker, Denara⁣, showed great dishonor in The Great Game⁣. While aasimar should be eyed with caution, tieflings should be avoided at all costs. They cannot be expected to honor their word.
350 years
Average Height
4 feet 6 inches
Average Weight
150 pounds

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Articles under Dwarves

Dwarf (from PHB)

Ability Score Increase Your Constitution increases by 1
Size Medium
Speed Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.

Darkvision: Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim condition. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Dwarven Resilence: You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Dwaren CombatvTraining: You have proficiency with the battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer and warhammer.
Tool Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the aritisan's tools of your choice: smith's tools, brewer's supplies or mason's tools.
Stonecunning: Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Subrace: Two main subraces of dwarves populate the worlds of D&D: hill dwarves and mountain dwarves.
Choose one of these subraces.  

Hill Dwarf

As a hill dwarf, you have keen senses, deep intuition, and remarkable resilience.
Ability score Increase: Your Wisdom score increase by 1.
Dwarven Toughness: Your hit point maximum increases by 1 and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.  

Mountain Dwarf

As a mountain dwarf, you're strong and hardy, accustomed to a difficult life in rugged terrain. You're probably on the tall side (for a dwarf), and tend toward lighter coloration.
Ability Score Increase: Your Strenght score increases by 1.
Dwarven Armor Training: You have proficiency with light and medium armor.

Languages. Common, Dwarvish


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