The High Guard Knights Order Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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The High Guard Knights Order

The High Guard Knights Order or simply the High Guard are the backbone of Stratos. Years ago they were the first order to break from the Kings War Council and were the first to propose the idea of Stratos to the other members. Today they do much to ensure the stability and internal strength of Stratos. Their members enforce the laws on the streets, settle disputes between the other orders and help keep the trade routes safe. Politically The High Guard are very set in their ways and generally dislike change. They see the current system and structure and strong, reliable and stable enough to stand against any threat. They are lead by Grand Master Malgram Mountainpass who has lead the order since it split from the Kings War council.


The Order is lead by Grand Master Malgram Mountainpass who has lead the order since its break from the King. Below him are the Master Knights who each rule different arms of the Order. Below them is the Captains who oversee their company of knights. Then each knight has thier Lance, a group of initiates and pages.


The High Guard is an honorable order who seek to protect order and civility in Stratos. The order is slow to change and tends to favor the current ways of doing things. Their members reflect this mindset, tending to be a bit more conservative and traditional.


The High Guard trace their order to The Royal Guard. Based in the center of Karo the Royal Guard enacted the Kings will across the land. They were the first group the King brought into the War Council during the Great Shattering. Though after a few years of direct rule from the incompetent King even the loyal Royal Guard had grown wary of the King. It was a lowly captain by the name of Malgram Mountainpass who began to orgainze the disillusioned and dissatisfied into the High Guard. The High Guard was the first of the groups to break from the War Council but many would follow soon after.
Military, Knightly Order
Parent Organization

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