The Dusk Chapter Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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The Dusk Chapter

The Dusk Chapter is known infamously acrossed Karo. Many have accused them of various crimes from killing kings, stealing grand artifacts and masterminding conflicts. Though no matter how blatant the conspiracy no evidence is ever found to confirm the Dusk Chapters involvment. Despite thier reputaion abroud they are the 3rd largest knights order and quite popular with the upper class of Stratos. The knights order operates more like a spy ring with thier grand master Nextor Fel acting as the spymaster pulling the strings. There is a large amount of anonymous associates of the chapter who do much of the dirty work. Then there are the Knights of the order who control the associates and are responsible for various schemes.    The member practice many dark and fobiden arts. Though they currently favor necomancy and see it as a way to usurpt the other knight orders. The Grand Master Nextor Fel openly advocates using resurrected dead as foot soldier but the idea is generally unpopular. There are whispers that The order have started experimenting with undead abominations to try and create a perfect soldiers. 3rd strongest   The most ratical of the knight orders is the dusk chaptor. They openly practice necromancy and seek to replace common footsolder with undead monstocities. They have been the most successful knight chaptor and are very powerful. they originate from Saval.
Military Order
Parent Organization

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