Session 24: Ultimate Werewolf Report in Pathfinder Pirates | World Anvil

Session 24: Ultimate Werewolf

General Summary

After such a hectic night, we reach the warehouse and we’re asked to show off our diamonds to prove we’re members. All of us forget this fact though, showing this poor guy some zombies and a whole bag of organs before we realize what it is he actually needs. A little embarrassing, but we turn in our goods and collect our reward; bidding the Rattlesnake Rascals good-bye. We make plans to go see a construct fight before we leave, but after a day of shopping, we promptly forget the cool thing we could’ve done and make our leave. We get back on track, promising each other that there’s going to be absolutely no more detours; and follow the map through another valley and along a desert stream. A plume of smoke rises in the distance, but there’s something off about it. What was that about no more detours?     Soon enough, Amelia leads us to a secret door beneath a rock and we find a trio of dwarves working over a cauldron. They’re not exactly thrilled about a bunch of outsiders in their hideout and when we refuse to leave, they get aggressive. We mercilessly bully these boys until we trap them in here, going topside to plug their chimney to slowly suffocate them. While we were thinking they were brewing questionable potions that we could’ve snatched up the recipe for, it turns out it was little more than a moonshine operation. Yet again, we prove ourselves to be complete dicks for no good reason. After a few more days of travel, we find ourselves in a small town in the middle of nowhere. It’s a bit arid in these lands and this town’s like something out of a western movie. There’s hardly any people around though, so we follow the sounds of frantic yelling nearby.     And there they are! We’re pulled into their meeting, all of them accusing one another of being werewolves. The town drunk is the main accused today, desperately trying to plead with the crowd that he didn’t do anything wrong. But somebody else claims that they saw him meandering about at suspicious hours and the robber confirms this. He saw the drunk stumbling around while he was busy breaking into some houses, so he could also confirm the alibis of some of the people who claimed they weren’t out that night. The seer also throws her judgment against the drunk and with all the odds stacked against him, the town has him executed. Afterwards, a strange, old lady approaches us to discuss what happened. She tells us of what’s been going on in town the past few days and warns us that we should leave as soon as we can. Something strikes me as odd about her and it’s at that point I realize she’s the werewolf, but I need to know if there’s more.     While TT goes off to buy herself a gun, Owkbanok hits up the local inn to get us some rooms…and finds himself some new company. A cute bartender by the name of Noah flirts with him for awhile and asks him about what it’s like outside the town, wistfully wishing he could leave too. Meanwhile, Amelia helps me investigate the corpses of the three townsfolk who were accused of being lycans. There’s Jimmy, the drunk; a young girl, and an older woman. While the old woman is diseased, it’s not lycanthropy. None of these people had it, so we leave to alert the others so everyone can be on guard. By the time we reach the bar, TT’s already drunk and showing off her new double-barreled pistol. She’s successfully scared the shit out of all of us as she swings it around carelessly, but with the stress of a literal werewolf on the loose; I decide to get drunk with her and Amelia soon joins us.     Owkbanok makes his leave with Noah for some private time and the rest of us file to the yard behind the bar to play around with the gun. We’re all decent shots…except for Amelia, who just grazes the bottles we’ve lined up to shoot. Instead of keeping our eyes on the target, which was the ranch that our treasure map has marked an X over; me, Amelia, and Inami sneak off for some much needed stress relief and TT orders some room service for her and Cayde. Come morning, it’s another town meeting to determine who the werewolf is and with Owk being gone all night, we’re worried he’s dead. But luckily, he shows up at the meeting with his new boy toy and the discussion begins. We’re all tired of the back and forth, so I tell the people I can find their werewolf with no problem. I tell them all to line up so I can inspect them, but this sparks some outrage, especially from the old lady we spoke to yesterday. I know she’s the prime suspect, but a little suspense goes a long way.     When everyone still refuses to do as told and starts pointing fingers everywhere, TT fires her gun off above their heads and demands they get in line for me. The intimidation factor works as they all file in immediately. I begin my inspection, looking each and every one of them over carefully. There’s not a single other lycan here except for the old lady, Lenora. As soon as I call her out, she starts to protest, but we have evidence against her. Besides the physical signs such as blood underneath her fingernails, the woman sleeps all day, so what the hell is she doing at night? She can’t argue that, but tries anyways, so TT puts a silver bullet in the back of her skull. With that, the town’s werewolf problem is solved. It’s finally time for the treasure we traveled two weeks here for! And it’s in the wealthy ranch where nothing will be as easy as walking onto their land and digging a hole.     This requires a bit of finesse. And by a bit, I mean a lot. So what better team to take on the task of casing this place before a midnight assault than TT and Cayde? They’re the sneakiest of our party, so we have no doubt they can handle this task while the rest of explore the rest of the town in case of more werewolves or other exciting secrets. They manage to take note that the grounds of the ranch are chock full of servants and servant housing. There’s no basement entries into the actual house itself, but there’s several above ground entrances we could use to sneak in. So TT orders Cayde to stay outside and if he hears her servant bell go off, he’s to run away and hide. He does as told, taking shelter in a nearby bush to wait while she slips inside. She gets familiar with the layout of the place, but there’s a lot to remember. Considering the family’s wealth, their home is huge and as of currently, it’s full of people.     Besides the servants, the family themselves are here and according to some of the townsfolk, the Hillcocks never leave their property. Suspicious as fuck, but TT carries on up the stairs to look for any rooms of importance. She finds the family’s office, but upon picking the lock, she triggers a magic alarm. What is assumed to be the man of the house, William, races up to check it out with one of his servants. He orders them to keep watch and once gone, TT slips up to the servant to tell her to stay quiet. She opens up to her, letting her know that she’s a slave too, but unfortunately for her; these servants aren’t slaves at all. A little startled by that and with no other choice, TT stabs her, but it’s not enough to kill her. The servant alerts William to TT’s presence and with some successful casting on his part, he manages to charm her.     He talks her down, asking why she’s even here. TT lies, stating that the townsfolk hired her to come poking around to see if she could figure out their werewolf problem. William takes the story for what it is for the time being, leading her downstairs to have a “chat”. Before she was charmed though, TT rang her servant bell to alert Cayde, who possibly now holds her fate in his paws.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
28 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Kal V, derivative work created with the Canva Content License


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