Military action
The nomadic tribes west of the now-called Scoragh's Garden had been raiding the western border of the Empire for decades, but in recent years they had become more insistent and their raids had increased. Unable to continue ignoring the matter, the Sand Council of Khalimed declares war to the entirety of those tribes and prepars to march his armies to the south-west.
As mentioned, the raids undertaken by the nomadic tribes on Khalimedi borders were nothing new, but in the recent years their scale and quantity had drastically increased, changing from a seasonal phenomenon to an all-year occurrence. The exact reasons behind this sudden change, according to the scholars, are the intensifying of the City of Elements retailations, driven by the rise in power of the fire genasi, less calm-tempered than other genasi, and the desertification of their native lands, which started with Scoragh's Descent and continued throughout the years, also fueled by the destructuve use of the land by the tribes.