Lenuria Geographic Location in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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Lenuria is a large continent in the midlands.


In the north of Lenuria there is a large arctic area, south of the arctic area is a large boreal forest, and further south is a larger desert. East of the desert there is a thin strip of fertile land by the ocean, west of the desert there is a tree covered mountain range, and further west of the mountain range there is a large mountainous temperate rainforest. South of the desert, there is a large plains area, and south/southeast/southwest of the plains there is a massive jungle. Lenuria is split into 4 large regions, north Lenuria, south Lenuria, Central Lenuria and West Lenuria. North Lenuria takes up the arctic and boreal forest regions, Central Lenuria is the desert, north half of the plains, and part of the mountains to the west, West Lenuria is the temperate rainforests and part of the mountains that seperate it from central Lenuria, and south Lenuria is the southern part of Lenuria which is covered in jungles with a part of the plains in the north.

Fauna & Flora

Lenuria is home to many unique species that are native to the continent, and many that are also found elsewhere. Some animals found on Lenuria are also found in Sundra such as wolves and hyena's while others are found exclusively on Lenuria. It is hypothesized that the species found on both continents originated on Lenuria and migrated across a sunken land-bridge millions of years ago to Sundra, although far fewer species migrated to Lenuria than out of it. Some types of animals/species that are found both on Lenuria and Sundra are wolves, hyenas, apes, modern humans, and giants.   Lenuria has many predators that prowl it's diverse landscapes. There are the wolves, hyenas, and foxes. There are the giant flesh eating pigs, entelodonts, the bone crushing dogs, epicyons, the bear/wolf like monsters called amphicyon, and many more. There's also the large-headed mammalian carnivore, andrewsarchus, apes such as the deloysius and the tromaktus. There are also huge spiders, snakes, lizards, centipedes, and scorpions. Possibly the most dangerous animal of Lenuria however are wyverns: large dragon relatives. Wyverns cannot breathe fire like dragons, but they are still deadly predators that rule the skies of Lenuria.   Lenuria is also home to many herbivores. There are the rhino-like animals like uintatheriums and the massive nosorogs and paraceratherium. There are several massive armoured armadillo relatives such as glyptodons and doedicarus. Lenuria is also home to the bizarre long armed chalicotheres, toxodons, which are rhino-sized mammals, elephant sized ground sloths, and strange trunked macrus. There are also the huge imperial mammoths, and other creatures like tapirs, capybaras, llamas, alpacas, deer, and sloths.

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