deloysius Species in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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deloysius is a species of large ground-dwelling great ape that lives in the jungles of southern Lenuria.  


deloysius resembles a huge spider monkey that lacks a tail. Deloysiuses are 5.3 feet (1.61 meters) tall. Deloysiuses spend more time on the ground instead of the trees than most other primates and have flatter and less hand-like feet. Deloysiuses have black fur on their backs and lighter coloured fur on it's belly.  

Diet and Predators

Deloysiuses mostly feed on fruit and insects, as well as ferns and roots. Deloysius are preyed on by many species such as tromaktus and giant snakes, and crocodiles.  


Deloysiuses live in small family groups of 3-8 but are very elusive. They are almost always seen next to rivers to drink, but usually live deep the dense jungles of south Lenuria. Deloysiuses react to humans and predators by grunting loudly and slamming on the ground, and then if the threat doens't leave they will start throwing rocks and balls of dirt and mud.

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