hallon Species in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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hallons are a very unique family made up of massive birds of prey that are big enough to hunt Humans. Common characteristics of hallon species are their three clawed fingers on their wings, long tails, jagged toothy beaks, and massive size, with the largest species of hallon, the Shigir hallon having wingspan of up to 94 feet (28.7 meters) at the largest. Unlike other birds that perform complex dances and mating displays to attract a mate, male hallon will fight each other over a mate similar to how most mammals do.  

Relationship with Humans

The hallons have always been feared by humans, during the stone age entire tribes were wiped out by hallon predation and even today with modern weaponry hallon are still considered a massive threat, and the most dangerous animals alive. Unarmed humans are to hallons what rats are to eagles.  


Hallon are very widespread, they exist on all continents in the The Midlands. The only place with no significant population of hallon is the far north where they would be outcompeted by Dragons.  

Species of Hallon

blackwing hallon: blackwings inhabit the forests of southern Merindia and northern Kolokrad and have a wingspan of 45 feet (13.7 meters).   Shigir hallon: The Shigir hallons inhabits the hills and mountains of Shigir, and is the largest species of hallon, with a wingspan of on average 80 feet (24.4 meters).   highland hallon: highland hallon inhabits the island of Meru and has a wingspan of 35 feet (10.6 meters).   southern ocean hallon: southern ocean hallon inhabit the coasts of the Southern Continents and the islands in the southern ocean. They have a wingspan of 70 feet (21.3 meters).   carrion hallon: carrion hallon live in the steppes and deserts of Sundra and feed on rotting flesh. Carrion hallon have a wingspan of 25 feet (7.62 meters).
razorback hallon: razorback hallons inhabit the mountains of Merindia, Mora, and northern Cocar. They have an average wingspan of 50 feet (15.2 meters).   fjord hallon: fjord hallons inhabit the coastal cliffs and fjord of northern Merindia, northwest Kolokrad, and eastern Meru. Fjord hallon have an average wingspan of 30 feet (9.15 meters).   steppe hallon: steppe hallon inhabit the steppes of Mora and northern Merindia. Steppe hallon have a wingspan of 55 feet (16.8 meters).   forest hallon: forest hallon are common throughout the colder forest of Sundra. They have a wingspan of 35 feet (10.6 meters).

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