Dragnir Organization in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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Dragnir is a small island kingdom from the outlands. Dragnir is a very young country, only forming 15 years ago.  

International Relations

Dragnir is currently a neutral nation, although they lean more to the Imperial Coalition, and they might join it in the near future.  


Dragnir has a small population, only 20,000 people in it, but all 20,000 people are highly skilled. Dragnir is a country where only the elite and highly skilled can reside, and the nation was meant to be independent, strong, smart, and unbreakable even with a tiny population. Each person is meant to help out the nation with their skills, and the average citizen in Dragnir is paid well and live comfortable lives, but all are expected to join the army in times of war, and to work at any time if needed. Dragnir is also also very militaristic, and all citizens are trained as soldiers who are ready to fight to the death if needed.   The cities of Dragnir are less like cities, and more like huge fortresses, and the towns function like smaller forts.  


Dragnir's army is small, but highly elite. Their citizens are all willing to join the army and even fight to the death, and their many skills allow them to operate and build new technologies and machines very easily compared to other citizens. Due to Dragnir having a population of 20,000, their army can reach a maximum size of 20,000. Dragnir also possesses some of the most advanced tanks, guns, artillery, armour, airships, planes, boats, and general technologies. Despite their small army, they are able to fight and defeat much larger armies on their own due to their elite skills.   Dragnir's soldiers are all given full heavy suits of durnium, grenades, brutal melee weapons, LMG's, radios, gas masks, and other gadgets.   Dragnir is highly defended, and it's island coasts are surrounded by fortresses, bunkers, machine guns, cannons, artillery, and patrolling boats, planes, and airships.  


Dragnir is a monarchy, which is lead by Thoron, their king. Thoron founded the kingdom 15 years ago and has closely controlled the Kingdom. There is also a council of elected advisors that help Thoron make decisions.  


Dragnir rules over a chain of islands northwest of Ungala. These are small tropical islands, and Dragnir has fortresses on each one. Dragnir also has bases on Ungala, Panagon, and Haldion.  


Dragnir was founded by the famous Thoron in 865. Thoron was first a King ruling over a small kingdom in the outlands, but this kingdom was conquered by the Merindian Empire. While his kingdom had fallen, Thoron was not killed and fled to Regius. Thoron slowly worked his way up the ranks and ended up becoming an important member of Regius, and was important in managing their colonies in the outlands. Dragnir eventually came into disagreement with the government of Regius and this disagreement eventually lead to Dragnir starting a rebellion. This rebellion wanted independence in the outlands due to Regius' poor management of the outlands natives, which Thoron is one of. Thoron started fighting, and his cause gained more and more followers, but it soon began to collapse.   Thoron realized that his rebellion would fail, and it's supporters would be killed, so he thought of a plan. He ambushed a Regian airship dock and stole several airships, and over the next few months him and other airship captains in his ranks flew his followers in secret to a distant and uninhabited island chain. After his followers were all finally transported, he kept the airships and cut all ties with Regius, and founded his own nation on the islands with his followers, and this nation is Dragnir.   After it's founding, Thoron decided that he would let other people join his nation, but only very skilled people who could help the nation above the level of a normal citizen. His nation continued to grow, including new members from across the world. Soon his nation became famous and respected for it's small but skilled population.   In 875 Dragnir faced it's first significant threat: a Regian invasion. Regius came with 100,000 men, intending to completely destroy Dragnir and kill Thoron. They offered the leave the Dragnirian people unharmed, if only they handed in Thoron into Regian custody. Thoron left it for his people to decide, and they unanimously voted to fight rather then let their leader die.   The invasion began with the Regians attempting to attack Dragnir from the air, but none of their planes or airships could get close to the islands, as Dragnir's ocean fortresses shot them all down. These fortresses were eventually destroyed, and the Regian invasion advanced towards the island. They attempted 4 landings on the islands, yet all were beaten back. They then attempted to carpet bomb Dragnir's fortress cities, but were fought back by Dragnir's highly skilled fighter pilots. They finally were able to land on Dragnir's main island and began attacking forts and burning croplands, and trying to cause as much damage as possible. They also tried to find civilians to attack, but strangely could not find any. The Regians then finally discovered the depth of Dragnir's defence when their tanks were being destroyed by mines that appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and it was eventually realized that the Dragnirians were hiding in secret tunnels deep below the earth, and performing secret raids at night. These hit and run tactics the Dragnirians were using were quickly overwhelming the Regians, but that's when the final battle began. Dragnirian forces finally rallied as one large force, and during the early hours of the day assaulted the Regian's main base, killing about 12,000 as well as destroying many tanks, planes, and even a few airships. After hearing about this defeat, the Regian generals were forced to retreat off the island.   This genius defence was a total success, and it brought great fame and respect to the young nation of Dragnir. Their small army of 13,000 defeated a much greater force of 100,000, and this proved how effective their small elite army really was. This brought in even more citizens to Thoron's country, and currently the country has a population of 20,000 people.

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