Writ of Travel Thumb Ring Document in Pangorio | World Anvil

Writ of Travel Thumb Ring

WRIT AS A RING?   A thumb ring writ is a non-magical ring of various metals and scrolled to present the wearer's name and affiliations. Those in good standing with the High Guild of Magic have permission to use the Gateway that provides instantaneous travel around the world. Trading companies, guilds, and organizations of all kinds give these rings to their people. Rulers, noble houses, and wealthy families also do the same. They are sturdier than paper which can be ripped up, ruined in water or burned. They are so popular that other uses have been found. A person with a thumb ring writ can get a safe coffer at a vaulting house or admittance into conservatories and libraries as long as they properly dress as the refined patrons those establishments cater to. Thefts of thumb rings is a lucrative but dangerous business as the High Guild has no tolerance for it and has an order of magi dedicated to rooted out those responsible. Among commoners there is little need of the Gateway. Instead, a thumb ring is a sign of prestige and gets them access to the more privileged places like vaulting houses and such.   THE RINGS THEMSELVES   Only royalty have rings of platinum. Other nobility and the very wealthy have gold rings. All other groups have silver rings except for the servants of other ring wearers who have copper rings.   There is no magic to a thumb ring. The symbol of the affiliation is engraved on the outside of the band and the wearer's name on the inside of the band. The symbol is very beautiful with fine details visible only to those with well-trained mage sight. Forging a symbol requires such masterful magically guided work that it is near impossible. It is the names on the inside of the band that are easily changed.   AT THE GATEWAY   Each affiliation's symbol is listed in the Gates Registry and memorized by the Conductors, magi whose duty it is to know who is permitted to use the Gateway at all times. Maintaining the High Guild's favor is the most important negotiation for any group that wishes to instantly move beyond the borders of its native land. The practice of bribing the Conductors during times when a group is in disfavor is exceedingly expensive as Conductors are highly paid and privileged within the High Guild. Being caught with a stolen thumb ring by a Conductor is punished by the removal of the hand wearing the false ring. A second offense is punished by death. Neither offense involves a judiciary ruling unless the offender is nobility or royalty. All others are dealt with by the Conductors using brutally efficient magic at the time they are caught.


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