Cirvaedheim Settlement in Pandemonium | World Anvil
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City of the Cirvaeon family of angim, commonly called the gods. Floating above Elysud, roaming the entirety of the landscape, it sparkles like a jewel in the sky. This is where the souls of the recently deceased go to be judged. From here they are sent to their respective afterlives. The chosen remain in the city as Alfsir and serve the gods. The unworthy are cast out to the vastness of the outer rim. And the rest are laid to rest in the expansive fields of Elysud.


The vast majority of the residents are Alfsir, making up 95% of the populace. The angim make up the remaining 5%. With every passing season the Alfsir take up a greater percentage, as they are chosen at a higher rate than the angim can reproduce.


The baileys manage their own affairs independently, with leaders chosen by the angim. The angim themselves are ruled by a Queen, the youngest of her generation. The younger angim vie for power within her court, but remain subservient to her.


The city has many thick stone walls separating the baileys, towers spread out with over lapping fields of fire. Crenelated ramparts lead from tower to tower. Emblazoned on the walls are wards to keep out the unwanted. Squads of Alfsir riding angietto patrol the perimeter and guard the passes. They patrol the streets day and night to enforce the peace. The central way gate is surrounded by walls like the outer perimeter, with a heavily defended gate house leading to each bailey.


The city is divided into several baileys, each with its own hall at the center. Dokkeim is home to the Dokkalf and is their market and manufacturing center. Svarteim is home to the Svartalf, and is a hub of military prowess. Marheim is home to the Maralf and filled with fields of plants and herbs. Losseim is home to the Losalf and is of a gentler nature. At the center of the city is the Mushroom hall, home to the leadership of the Cirvaeon, and site of the way gate that one must use to enter the city.
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