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The Usurpers are some of the children of the Primae, convinced by the god of strife and chaos, Nexi, to rebel against their parents and take control of the material world. Their leader is Turbal, youngest of the children of Liete and Siba and husband of Lykith, the only child of Moibe and Tuko.   They ruled Pande and its people for an unknown period of time, but speculated to be many thousands of years, in a form of benign neglect. The land was bountiful and fertile, and the presence of the gods kept most of the world's ills at bay. As such technology was primitive, with stone tools and simple farming being the most advanced of concepts.   They were overthrown by their children in an event known as the Inheritance War, which directly led to the foundation of The Empire of Belyos and the departure from the material plane of most of the gods.
Religious, Pantheon

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Cover image: A View of Salerno and Vesuvius by Unknown


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