Jamal Hudor Character in Pande | World Anvil
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Jamal Hudor

Emperor Jamal Hudor, Blessed of Yaltur and Hikis

"The first Emperor, someone who actually met and talked to gods... you've heard of Jamal Hudor, right? I need to have some serious words with whoever your teacher was. Every Imperial should know his name, and what he did. He's probably more important than Til-Yaltur... oh, you've heard of him. Well, perhaps you're not a total loss then."
  The first Emperor of Belyos and blessed of Yaltur and Hikis. The myths and legends that surround Jamal are many, and it is difficult to separate fact from the stories that have arisen in the two thousand years since his coronation. Supposedly highly devout, and a brilliant general and leader of people, it was his tactical and strategic skills that brought about a lot of the later victories in the Inheritance War, impressing even the gods with his abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The origins and history of Jamal Hudor have become a jumbled mix of myth and half-truths, complicated by the chaos of the Inheritance War and the migration of the Imperial people in its aftermath, so it is impossible to state definitively Jamal's story before the foundation of the Empire. What is known for certain is that he was an important leader for the Inheritor Gods, both in military terms and as a leader of people. Some of the oldest stories have him giving counsel to the gods themselves, his natural abilities in tactics and strategy being valued, even by them.   According to legend, it was Jamal who inspired Saudo to break off her conflict with her brother and return to Sis-retyr to seek the release of the Primae, and it was Jamal who first gave the idea to move the loyal followers of the Inheritors to a new land, away from the destruction surrounding the fallen Usurpers fortress. Whether these things are true, or mere stories in an attempt to make Jamal seem more impressive is unknown, as once the Empire was founded, largely irrelevant.   The coronation of Jamal Hudor is considered the largest spectacle in recorded history; half a million people were present at the event, and it is the last time that Yaltur and the other gods appeared to humanity in physical form, with Yaltur himself placing the crown on Jamal's head and Hikis offering her blessing to the Empire. In the days that followed, Jamal outlined the structure of the Empire, and began the complicated task of managing the greatest collection of humanity in history.   Jamal reigned for 46 years, and died at the age of 85, an almost unheard of feat, and left a stable nation that was just beginning to expand into the bountiful lands that it had been granted. His eldest son, Sios, born just before the Empire was founded, took the throne after him.
The only known depiction of Jamal Hudor, from the mosaic in the Temple of Yaltur
39 BI 46 IY 85 years old
Aligned Organization

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Cover image: A View of Salerno and Vesuvius by Unknown


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