Thomas Carnegie Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Thomas Carnegie

Thomas Carnegie is a gentleman of the Honourable Company and author of a series of manuals for improving leadership skills. When Katib Hugo Dargent found Carnegie's Second Tome of Leadership and Influence, he recognised him from attending the Wealthmas services at Archdeacon Zaccheus Simony's church.   The Carnegie family is a dynastic lineage within the Company, and holds an account with the Dargent Bank. Carnegie himself gives off an air of trying too hard to emulate the Lord Captain Emissary. He clearly harbours not entirely unfounded aspirations of assuming the coveted position in the future, when Rudyard Cutler eventually retires.
Current Status
Gentleman of the Honourable Company
Currently Held Titles
In his early thirties (but rich enough to look younger)
5 ft. 10 inches.
Follower of the Rich Man
Other Affiliations