Nranda Species in P'Ache | World Anvil


Basic Information


Nranda are winged predators with two arms and two legs, clawed feet and a sharp beak. They average about a foot and a half tall and have a neck which allows them to turn their head a full 360 degrees. They are covered is blue-grey feathers, with some brown markings.

Genetics and Reproduction

In order to reproduce, male nranda's court the female by bringing them wounded prey, the equivalent of an afternoon of entertainment and a meal for two. When the female is suitably impressed by the male and his courtship gifts, she allows him to engage in internal intercourse with her. This can last several hours. The female will lay the eggs 14 to 28 days later, and then the eggs are looked after by the male for up to five months until they are ready to hatch. The female may sit on the eggs to allow the male time to look after himself, but ultimately, the responsibility for the welfare of the eggs sits with the male.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once a nranda hatches, it takes four and half to five months for them to have enough feathers to fly, It is considered a hatchling until this time, and then a youngster from the time it can fly until it "leaves the nest" and creates its own home which might be when it's 8 to 10 years old. They generally live until they are 50 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

The nranda live exclusively in the Milam Mountains, an isolated area of Vellikka, which is uninhabited by Vellich. Their claws allow them to spend hours perched on cliff edges and they use the grasslands and forests surrounding the mountains as a hunting ground. The caves and nooks in the mountains are used as nests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The nranda are meat eaters, but have been known to eat small amounts of vegetation when they are starving or feeling unwell.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nranda live in colonies. Within these colonies each family will have its own structure and hierarchy which differs depending on the make up of the family. They act as their own individual entities, preferring to live in close quarters with other families for the comfort and strength that can bring rather than to add any social structure.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Nranda have the best eye sight in the known universe. They have 16 photoreceptors and can see UV, visible and polarised light, and infrared. This allows them to see heat sources and as a result are almost impossible to hide from.
Geographic Distribution


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Aug 15, 2023 00:27 by Eclectic Exclamations

Question: So they have arms, legs, and wings, correct? I just want to get the picture correct in my head. I'm picturing sort of an owl with arms?

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Aug 15, 2023 07:14 by Elspeth

Yes, an owl with arms is quite a good analogy. The wings are slightly further back to make space for the arms, but that's about right.