Dreamspeaker Profession in P'Ache | World Anvil




No official qualifications are required to be a dreamspeaker. A dreamspeaker's only as good as their reputation and the confidence they speak into the people they help.



A dreamspeaker's role was to read meaning into other people's dreams, or interpret their own. They were part councillor, part truth-teller, part mouthpiece for the Spirits.   Here are some examples of how a dreamspeaker might interact with members of their village or settlement:
  • a person may have gone to a dreamspeaker if they had a dream they couldn't understand or that was troubling to them. The dreamspeaker would then help talk them through it, understand what the person found troubling and give their dream some meaning or lesson they could take away with them.
  • a person may have gone to a dreamspeaker if they were having a personal problem to see if they had any advice or had received any dreams from the spirits about what they should do. Sometimes the dreamspeaker might deliver words of wisdom or a message from their dreams. Other times they might try to help the person figure it out for themselves.
  • a dreamspeaker may go to someone directly if they believed they were having a problem or had dreamed of a message for this person. Depending on the dreamspeaker's reputation and the person's feeling on dreamspeakers, the person may choose to take the advice on board or they might ignore it.

Social Status

Dreamspeakers are no longer a socially acceptable professional path. Anyone calling themselves a dreamspeaker could expect to be ridiculed and potentially ostracised from their settlement and as such they no longer exist. Someone receiving interesting dreams may instead choose the path of Storyteller as a way of passing on wisdom, or at least consult with a Storyteller to get advice.


The introduction of Storytellers and the sharing of information between settlements brought the downfall of dreamspeakers. People were able to share stories of mistakes and problems dreamspeakers had caused, some more innocent than others. One particular story of a dreamspeaker who was using their position in their village to manipulate and deceive made everyone wary and it was soon after that the profession died out.


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