The Ordning Organization in Ovatria | World Anvil
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The Ordning

Gods of the Ordning

Deity Alignment Suggested Cleric Domains Common Symbol
Annam the All-Father N Knowledge, Order, Giant* Hands pointing down
Othea the Matron Mountain CN Life Ice-rimed mountain
Stronmaus, god of storms CG Light, Protection, Tempest Storm cloud
Hiatea, god of nature NG Nature Fiery spear
Grolantor, god of might CN War, Ambition Greatclub
Memnor, god of ambition NE Arcana, Death, Trickery Black obelisk
Skoreaus Stonebones, god of dreams N Grave, Knowledge Stalactite
Iallanis, god of peace NG Life, Peace Flower garland
Surtr, god of the forge LN Forge, Knowledge Flaming sword
Thrym, god of war CN Strength, War White greataxe
Diancastra, god of guile CG Trickery Sea-green streak

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