Session 53 - 7th of Othlon 948 ACW Setday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 53 - 7th of Othlon 948 ACW Setday

General Summary

Soli confessed to the murder and the higher seemed to accept it for now. On their way out they told Ryder that Amelia was a part of the Division and was missing, someone from The Porcelain Ravens overheard, and things were set in motion. Group picked up Quinn who had made five bullets with five more to go, they then started searching for Amelia. During the search convinced Azeral to go for the princess and dump Isabeth.  Found Amelia, she and Soli talked and confessed deep feelings while the rest went out and had fun for the night. 
During the night Soli overheard Az and Isabeth breaking up, and Hobble saw Is walking around the streets crying. Soli then heard the assassin coming into the house and stopped them. Was able to get them back into Az's living room and interrogate them learning her name to be Sif, the location of the Raven's HQ, and that she once killed a child for her job. Soli tortured her with divine smites a few times before Az stopped her.
Report Date
27 Apr 2022


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