Pelor Character in Ossin | World Anvil
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The Rising Blaze

Pelor, the Rising Blaze, the Great Sun, husband of Selûne , father to Syrus, Aylin, and the Were-touched folk, he is the deity of the sun and is depicted as wearing a white cloak over an intricate golden plate armor. Where a head would be, instead is a burning star. An almost featureless male head burns within the corona, when the light is dimmed one would see he had soft cheeks, a bald head, a beard of shining gold, and bright warm eyes. Pelor is the creator of many good things, a supporter of those in need, and the adversary of all that is evil. He is the most commonly worshiped deity among ordinary humans, and his priests are well-received wherever they go.

Divine Domains

Neutral Good god of Agriculture, Healing, Life, Strength, and the Sun.


Mace of the Sun and the Plate of Holy Fire.

Holy Books & Codes

The Light of Pelor. The most common Pelorian holy book begins with Pelor's creation of the sun and his hand in the creation of the cosmos and the first mortals. It goes on to tell parables of the god seeking to bring mortals away from the side of darkness and back to the light. The book is often enchanted to glow with a soft solar radiance when it's closed, and some versions are even gilded.
The Laborer's Journal. A favorite amongst farmers, it is the only holy book to be updated yearly. The journal is a mix of long-range weather predictions, humor, fun facts, and advice on farming, cooking, fishing, conservation, and other similar topics.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sun Face

Tenets of Faith

Though widely revered as a peaceful and gentle deity who alleviates suffering, Pelor also has more martial aspects. He brings his wrath to bear on darkness and evil, and he invigorates and heals those who champion the cause of good.
The Rising Blaze teaches that the energy of life originates from the sun. This light brings strength to the weak and health to the injured, while destroying darkness and evil. He urges his followers to challenge the forces of corruption aggressively, but also to remember that just as staring at the sun can cause blindness of the eyes relentless attention to the destruction of negative forces can blind the heart to the true essentials of life: kindness, mercy, and compassion.
Pelor's clerics favor yellow garb. They are usually kind people with backbones of steel. They are primarily nurturers and protectors, but when the time comes to bear arms they are not afraid to do so. They use their powers to heal, nourish, and otherwise aid the needy while practicing the skills needed to protect their charges should they be threatened. Many clerics of Pelor leave their pastoral duties and go to explore far lands in an effort to drive off harmful beings and spread their deity's gifts to all who need them. 
Temples to Pelor tend to be tall, airy, and blindingly white. They are usually placed so the sun shines into most of their rooms throughout the day with large stained glass windows. They often feature open, sunny courtyards as well. Pelor's temples are always kept scrupulously clean, and many of them have wings that house hospitals.
Small chapels are often rudimentary buildings whose only admirable aspect is a stained glass window decorating the wall behind the altar, representing Pelor in all his glory. The exterior and interior walls are painted light yellow if possible. 
Pelor has many shrines around the world, whether they be in the homes of worshipers or obelisks with religious scriptures set up in orchards.


The Summer Solstice; on the 26th of Veles, also known as the Holy Day of Pelor. The morning is devoted to prayers, and the afternoon begins with a large feast open to all, continues with a procession in ceremonial dress in the streets of towns and cities who are major followers, and ends with a ceremony during which the priests induct new members and bless the crowd.




Towards Pelor



Towards Selûne

Divine Classification
Selûne (spouse)


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