Erathis Character in Ossin | World Anvil
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The Builder

Known as The Builder, Erathis appears to be an olive-toned-skinned woman with a strong but lithe body. She is said to have black hair, usually pulled back in a tight bun, and wears knee-length robes with a breastplate overtop. She along with her wife Ioun and their children Conroy and Sophia , seek to push the light of civilization and invention to all people as well as keep the Seven Peaks of Celestia as a singular integrated nation for the gods and their followers.

Divine Domains

Lawful Neutral goddess of Civilization, Creation, Invention, and Law.


The Elysian Storm and the Light of Invention

Holy Books & Codes

The Lost Tomes of Hestavar

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blue half-cog wheel with a silver outline.

Tenets of Faith

Everything has a place in the cosmic scheme, and everything fits together to work for a purpose that is beyond mortal understanding. Erathis may have helped Rima set this intricate cosmic machinery in motion, and it seems quite likely that she is the only one who truly understands it. Her followers generally act as though they're in on the secret, but certainly, none of them know as much as Erathis herself. Mortals can simply do their best to fill the part they're supposed to play, not overstepping their place or spreading disorder in her well-ordered world. 
Clerics of The Builder wear vestments of dark blue with glittering silver stars and emulate their deity by exercising their god-given creativity and innovation in arts or crafts, traveling widely spreading the light of civilization, and striving to maintain order. 
Her temples tend to be small but elaborate structures, usually built at the beginning of new urbanization. Their interiors are filled with small machinery meant to aid in the day-to-day functions of the temple.


The Light of Invention, on the 35th of Farragan.
Divine Classification


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