Vilnian Species in Osera | World Anvil
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They awoke on a cold floor under the drifting pages of what's known and unknown. Several stacked bookshelves lined the walls around them into the endless abyss of both above and below. The surrounding was somehow lit with no visible lighting. Above them, a red sphere with multiple rings that are each turning on a different angle around the center ticks quietly. Only one path lays before them. It leads down a triangular shaped hall that seems to have no end. They peer upward once again to the shifting rings before beginning down the path that lays before them.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The eye color is always red

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Vilnian can be found throughout Osera, although they are commonly found and originate in the Eastern Kingdoms of Osera. They are most likely to be found in the coastal cities of Venpall and Zehah, with Venpall being what they call their home.
Eleonor Piteira, ArtStation
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
100 years
Average Height
Anywhere between 5'5" and 6'5"
Average Physique
The Vilnian have a slender physique but are not weak by any means
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Vilnian always have dark hair that ranges from dark browns to black. They also always have dark colored skin that ranges from warm tans to dark browns.


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