Cardovic Military Organization in Orrus | World Anvil

Cardovic Military

Since it is difficult to keep track of all the little settlements dotted across Cardovia, and much of the Peschneg population being transient, the king relies on his individual Bogati to keep their armies as they see fit. This traditionally fell to the Nemes, but since the Bogati rose to power, this changed. Each Bogati is responsible for training and equipping their own small regiments. Most are ill prepared peasant regiments, but some wealthy Bogati have extremely well equipped and trained forces.   The traditional limit to the number of soldiers each Bogati is responsible for is rather small. This was intentionally implemented early in Cardovia’s history by the monarchs in order to limit each individual Bogati’s power. No single Bogati (or even a number of Bogati) could bring to bear enough manpower to overthrow the king.   This method serves Cardovia well enough as they tend to avoid wars with other countries and the Bogati are more than happy enough to bicker and fight each other over minor power struggles. There are two main problems to the system that are becoming more and more apparent.   First, the guidelines regarding how to train and equip the soldiers is extremely loose. This leads to drastically differing levels of competence and logistics in the overall army making it tough to bring any sort of specificity to the army as a whole. Second, the Cardovic governmental structure is rife with petty squabbles of the Bogati. This leads to many different feuds and power struggles, which translates as a somewhat disconnected force when the king’s army gathers. There are so many exceptions to who will not fight with who and where a certain Bogati’s men must be placed on the mustering field, that even the most up to date lists the king’s advisors keep is obsolete in a matter of days.
Military, Army
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