Argaun Military Organization in Orrus | World Anvil

Argaun Military

Serving in one of Argau’s famous mercenary companies is the aspiration of many children in the Cantons. Each Canton has its own standing army, which is comprised of smaller independent regiments funded in some way by the Canton. These regiments hire themselves out to other countries as mercenaries and a portion of the gains are returned to the Canton. The regiments are still bound to the Canton however, and may be called back in defense of their homeland which any regiment is more than ready to do at a moment’s notice. A standing army is always present composed of any mercenary companies not out on loan to other countries.   The richer Cantons of Fribourg and Vaud supply the necessary arms and armor for their regiments. Every soldier is obliged to buy his own armour and weapons in Bassel however, although if they are damaged the canton or the community is responsible for the repairs. Each Mannschaftsrodel, or roll call, is usually set out in detail how many men are to be raised from the city, how many from the outlying communities; which weapons should they carry, and who is to be the commander of the contingent.


The Argaun military system is comprised of mixed regiments of heavily armored, highly effective pike blocks and lighter armored harquebusiers. The halberd is also becoming popular, and some of the smaller and less funded regiments, especially from Bassel, are known to still fight with crossbows and blocks of swordsmen. Argau has some of the best-drilled and most highly disciplined troops.   Argaun soldiers are highly prized by other armies. Argaun regiments and armies are known for their forced marches and many opposing generals have underestimated the Argauns speed and have been caught in a disadvantageous position.   Generally the numbers to be conscripted are determined by the canton and the local councils. There are three categories of soldier in Argau: the Auszug, the Landsturm, and Landwehr. While the Auszug are the elite troops, with unmarried soldiers between the ages of eighteen to thirty, the Landsturm are only used in times of great emergency, as they are young married men. The Landwehr, on the other hand, are formed from those older men who would leave home if the need arose.
Military, Army
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