Elysium in Orr | World Anvil
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The Plane of Elysium encompasses all the realms of heaven and the myriad of afterlifes born from mortal belief. The realm is safeguarded by angelic and celestial beings whose divine presences strike awe in the hearts of the worthy and terror in those of the wicked. These holy guardians watch over and tend to the spirits of the dead who have been ushered here, but such spectral avatars are few and far between. Elysium is a dangerous Plane to visit due to how it unravels life essence and soul energy. Because it is a Plane of paradise where all needs are met and all hardships are thus over one must possess an incredible willpower (or be given special privilege by the choirs of angels) to not simply be absorbed into the Plane itself. The living who tread Elysium are not in danger of fully unraveling like a lost soul but they must be careful not to forget their purpose, lose their identity or stay long enough to forget the mortal world. It is said that any living being who makes the mistake of lying down to sleep in Elysium will never awaken.   Elysium is an extremely diverse Plane with many subdomains that divide it. Some of the most prominent and well known are:   Valley of Shadow / River of Tears -- Nearly every belief of the afterlife begins with the journey unto heaven itself. This subdomain is extremely fractal, its landscape appearing differently in the mind of whomever walks it. Common interpretations between journeymen of Elysium speak of a river of souls whose beds are encrust with coins and a ferryman who shepherds the dead from shore to shore. Others speak of a long and narrow valley filled with shadow that the dead must walk within until they have forsaken all memories of their mortal lives.   Olympia / Paradiso -- Throne of angels and the gathering place of all mortal heroes, one can only reach the summits of Olympia through invitation. Resting upon the peak of a flying mountain surrounded by silver-white clouds, Olympia is a city populated by those who committed their lives to fighting the forces of evil, especially those of Hades, and devoted themselves to the noblest of ideals during their worldly travels. Olympia is described as a paradise where heroic souls live in luxury and contentment among a beautiful landscape. The trees are said to bend their branches so that one might not even need to reach for their fruit and that the sky will rain wine when one feels thirst. Olympia is the ultimate reward for a well spent life, though very few in all of history have ever earned the keys to its gates.   Atrium Sol -- This subdomain is also sometimes called the Hall of Creation. It is fabled that all of life is dreamt and inspired here. At the center of the Plane lies a well of new souls from which Seraphim draw up living essence and place within life vessels made of the lake’s clay. Some interpretations of this subdomain claim that every event of the being’s life is agreed upon before they are allowed to awaken into the material world, others propose that only those souls who are guaranteed a destiny in life are born from Atrium Sol’s waters.   Valhalla -- The afterlife of great warriors who died in battle, Valhalla has many different names and interpretations in the material world but each leads to the same great feast hall. Warriors of every age spar and drink together in the warm torchlight that forever burns within this sacred moot which is surrounded by mountains, forests and streams overflowing with wild game. A contest of champions is held in Valhalla at the beginning of each century, the winner gaining the honor to share a bed among the Valkyr and Valkyries. Many of the Aasimar of the material plane are the unknowing offspring brought about from such glorious victories.   Samsara -- The subdomain of Samsara is described as a waterfall that flows into Atrium Sol, a waterfall as tall as a continent’s shoreline. The falls are held aloft by a massive mountain of black basalt stone whose inner chambers have been worn away by the flowing water over millennia. When a soul reaches Elysium and is unraveled by the Plane’s natural energies to be converted into the life essence water that fills Atrium Sol, that spirit’s darkness, guilts, and wrongs are filtered by Samsara into these caves where they crystalize into Soulstone. Soulstones are powerful magical and psychic reagents. The few shards and fragments that have ever made their way to the material plane have served as the catalysts for incredible (and dangerous) feats of divine and arcane magic. This stone is also sometimes referred to by alchemists and mages as “Lazrulite” and if properly handled and harvested can be used to create Soulstone gem veins in the material Plane. The stones wrought from such veins don’t possess the same potency as true Soulstone as it takes many hundreds of years for them to collect vagrant life energies from spirits passing into Elysium, but given enough time they can still act powerful vessels of such power.   Lux Aeterna -- High above the Plane of Elysium lies the crystal city of Lux Aeterna where the choirs of angels reside. Very little is known of what lies within its hallowed walls for no mortal has reached it and returned. From the balconies of Lux Aeterna the Angelic Choirs sing and play instruments with such devotion as to cause the stars to rise and fall. While no mortal being could ever hope to recreate the music of the angels, manuscripts of small portions that have been writ and returned to the material plane are the basis for all divine magic. Spells of healing often include somatic words partitioned from the hymns, spells of protection invoke the majesty of such music, and spells of divine favor recall the thunder of their trumpets. It is said that those who are truly blessed will hear the songs of the choir in their darkest hours and that the end of the universe will begin when the angels compose its requiem.


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