Dance of the Sisters
The Dance of the Sisters, or sometimes the Dance of the Moons, is a human celebration originating in the north. It occurs whenever both moons appear full in the sky.
The Dance of the Sisters celebrates the legend of two sisters, Selder and Imder, after whom the moons are named. There is some reigonal variation in the legend, but the core story remains unchanged.
The first dance of the sisters occured circa 1900 DE in the northwest and consisted of a simple dance and a feast to comemorate the sisters' story. Over time, the festival has expanded across Oritas where it is now celebrated by almost very human settlement in some capacity.
To celebrate, large dances always take place to honour the sisters. The festival opens with a specific dance performed by two women, typiclly of similar age. Once the first dance is completed, additional pairs of women and girls join in to make up the main event. There are no specific dances for this part but typically consist of large group dances with set moves. Once this is complete, everyone may join in.
As well as dancing, a feast is held, though this typically only begins after the main event. Music plays a significant role throughout.
The festival is a community event. Everyone is encouraged to participate, or at the very least attend. Young women and girls are typically chosen to take part in the main event before everyone else can join in. This is to honour the sisters and their love of dance.
The Dance of the Sisters is celebrated whenever both moons, Selder and Imder, appear in full. Due to the difference in their cycle lengths, this occurs roughly once every two to four months and may last anywhere between one to four days.
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Author's Notes
This is likely based on something I've read a few years ago. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it was. Any similarity to existing works is not intentional.