
Situated right beside the Flying Forest is this small settlement of around a hundred souls.
Levilicity, creatively named after its main export, is a small village that focuses on the instantaneous storing, distributing and refining of a mold called Levils into the base of many antibiotics named Levilicin.

The settlement itself is owned by Mensus Medical™ and was - after the Headquarter in Mensus itself - the first outpost build.
Due to it's closeness to the flying forest and it's very good standing with the Firr it has grown to more of a commune than a simple trading outpost and in the years more and more buldings were build to accomodate the residents.

While storage halls, fermantation halls and logistic offices are still the main eye catcher, markets and other recreational buildings, such as taverns and restaurants and even planned sport areas, are slowly being added to the settlement.

  While relations to the Firr generelly are good, one thing has to be maintained, all Firr coming from the flying forest have to go through a decontamination lock due to their potential to carry spores of the Levils with them and the subsequent danger it can pose to the settlement as a whole.
This is widely regarded as a good solution to this problem, but some Firr see it as an infrigment of privacy and try to lead a movement against these practices, trying to remove all decontamination locks
Trade post
Location under
Owning Organization


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