Hegelburg Settlement in Orbius | World Anvil
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A small market town located on the edge of everything - the eastern edge of the hills, the southern edge of the Bayport gap, the northwest edge of the Dassal plains. It was out of the range of any important countries - only Dietz made any overtures toward claiming them, or sometimes Kleinreich, but those were too far away, and Hegelburg too unimportant for any claims to last.   The town was located on a the Sarloos river flowing down from the Saxon Hills. This was a pleasant country, wooded, with decent farmland, small fast streams coming down from the hills, offering water and power. It was a modest trading post between the Saxon Hills and the Plains, and so did well in peacetimes. In times of war, however, it was in a very bad place, where the plains met the hills. During the Regelsburg wars, it was sacked more than once, and much fo the area left a burnt over shell. This was not the first time this happened, either - this was an area frequently beset by war.   When the wars ended, it recovered, though slowly. A decade or more later, though, much of it is in ruin, much of it empty, many of the ruins inhabited by squatters. It is protected by the fact that there is nothing really there of value - but its mix of isolation and proximity to more active places keep it in danger of trouble coming in.


Mostly human, though halflings and gnomes are fairly common, dwarves and elves are rare, but not unknown, there are a number of half-orcs and other types around as well.


A town council, though under the Leland family, nominally at least.
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