Skonort Species in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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The skonort are a porcine race in the Taomika universe, known for their large stature, older aggressive behavior, and affinity for culinary arts.   Skonorts originate from the planet Skonarus, in the Sufarcea star system. since their first major travels in space they have colonised every planet in their solar system that was of use. while during the first 200 years in space were less than friendly, with surrounding races. often exploiting the Ovebis; a race of wool bearing sapient life from a planet one 127 light years away called Lainuru(Modern Day Kronahai). Another victim of their aggression was the Scuravus who they frequently had major space battles over territories and resources.   It was relatively not too long before the end of this era where they met with a powerful foe; The Izgoren. The conflict lasted for nearly eleven years during which both sides took major casualties. The skonort survival was due to the Hive Minded race still being relatively new. it wasn't long after the brutal war that both sides agreed to a ceasefire, with the skonort retaining back to their vast corner. Eventually, after conflict with other rising powers, such as; the Tikerins, Riffarians, and to a limited extent the Boarians, a larger peace pact was put into effect.    

The Space warmonger Era.

      Lasting 450 years after perfecting space flight. during which they conquered planets, most of which were uninhabited. the inhabited ones included Lainuru, Elcanar, and various others that have since then been released.   During this time the Ovebis were orphaned when the skonorts caused a horrible chain reaction which led their home world into the state that Zeane found it in.    Several wars were thought, most notability was with the izgoren, which resulted in stalemate, making them the first race to stand up against them and win while also being a target. That never happened since then. The Izgoren war took a turn for the worse when the still assimilated zeane lead several skimishes onto skonort controlled space.   The Era ended after a larger peace has been agreed upon by several major factions.      

The Great Reform & Collapse Era

  Taking place sometime later. the skonorts alliance  began attempts to repair the damage they caused, though Lainuru was considered a lost cause.   However, at this point The Tigiren Empire crossed paths with the Skonorts throwing them into disarray. resulting in heavy damages to the skonorts. isolating and cutting off large groups throughout space.  

Other Noted events:

  One large faction of Skonorts attempted to take back Lainuru(Now Kronahai) from the Zeanites  during the Factions Era an endeavour that ended in total defeat.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Bulky, and heavy and extremely durable. Males tend to grow larger, and slimmer while females grow chubby

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Originated on Skonarus. Nowadays they can be found in most planets on the skonort sector.

Average Intelligence

Despite their brute look, most skonorts are of Mid to high intellect.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Their Culture mostly revolves around food. for the most part, The practice of Live stuffing of their living and kicking meals has been redirected to Recreates ending the barbaric practice.
Scientific Name
80-90 years
Average Height
1.9 - 2.8
Average Weight
88-120 KG
Average Physique
Due to their culture revolving around food, they are often found to be a bit on the plump side.
Related Technologies


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