Zeanite Species in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Zeanites are a race produced by an entity known as Zeane. A complex individual, Zeane was an unintended hybrid between various foreign entities of which not all have the presence to even be suitably documented by contemporary OA studies. Among her roots include the Izgoren, which she served for some time before founding her independence on a reformed planet of Kronahai, and creating entities partially in her likeness called Zeanites. Zeanites are a broad group with other ethnic categories, each essentially bending the terms away from regular carbon life, more composed of energy with a solid foundation. They are shape-shifters, energy benders, and may perform what look like magic compared to other races. They come from Kronahai and aren't well researched enough for a professional CDAM rating, but would likely fit as a Vahakin rating.   Zeanites live simple lives, akin to rural countryside lifestyles. Most live in smaller villages often no larger than 40 people. A strange form Introversion is common among zeanites, who tend to have smaller social circles then human do. often not extending beyond their own village surroundings, family or place of work. despite this they are quick to comfort Zeanite strangers if they can.  

Behavior Characteristic

  Despite being powerful energy based life forms, they appear prone to inferiority complexes, odd fears, and are often emotional and extremely expressive of it. to the point where most lack any form of poker face when it comes to expressing said fears, or lack of understanding.   Zeanite often hoot at what they perceive as threatening, strange or unusual, which could range from species they are unfamiliar with to strange formations and oddly shaped tree. Hooting often attracts other Zeanite to join in, as both a form of acknowledgment or sympathy and empathy towards the initial hooter/s.   Despite all of that they considered brave when they need to be, and will not shy away from a fight if they have too.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Live simple lives akin to middle ages dwellings on countrysides
Genetic Descendants
Functionally Immortal though their Minimum Life Span is 1400-1500
Average Height
1.5- 1.6
Average Weight
30 - 40 KG
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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