Cuddle Huddle Organization in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Cuddle Huddle

Cuddles Huddle is a niche franchise based on Felyra's Nobles Cuddler customs; The basis of which, proves an estate's wealth & excess by deliberately over-feeding a set (or in rare cases, a great majority) of females until they're fattened and 'softer' in form and personality to 'cuddle' with. As over the years since its initial start to flaunt excessive wealth, its developed different cultural tweaks, and even strange 'benefits' of a sort like sorting the temper of an abrassive guard, or bringing out a softer social side to have therapeutic effects on the owner/cubs/harem-sisters, to or even assisting in the discovery of more advanced uses of lion lard as an extracted material. In the wake of these developments, rising weight statistics and convinient feeding mechanisms across the species, a business has been prompted to tailor this custom as a more public paying service.   Cuddle Huddles became a franchise offering sectional rooms or lounge formats in which customers can pay to interact with the lionesses that would suit the term of these customs. This by large means they mostly just snuggle, chat, and rest for a few moments with essentially 'living, chatting, social pillows' in a sense. As such its developed a sort of strange following, from some that actually enjoy it, to those who are just lonely and overdue for social aspects. Some have taken it for serious anxiety issues, or to even practice stuff like comedy, flex arguments, or make job interview scenarios. Most lionesses working in these roles are adapted or adjusting quickly to assist with different public situations, and are happy to help. More premium services also grant access to a cafe area of greasy foods, and to assist or 'reward' their temporary lioness pals with fatty foods, or to even support their growth. Then there's rental spaces to acquire time to lounge with theatrical edition movie-viewing, or gaming cafe spaces. In some circumstances there's even space and special pricings suited for rare customers more sexually interested in the odd physique, and a few females more willing to commit to such services.   Shops are somewhat more of a new series, and compared by some as an unusual 'underground kink' vibe akin to stretch lounges. They've become more prominent with the growing weight in the species, and tend to even be close by or joined with Mouse Pounce Paradise facilities. Mangers can determine some sets of rules and conditions. Employees are either working for the cafe segment, cleaning and maintanence, or are the lionesses themselves. Conditions vary by place and manager as to how these functions works, and who is allowed in. For example, some facilities are run by a genuine mane-lord who sees payments go up to him, and his property more strictly taken care of with less options to the customers, and the cuddlers are potentially his genuine 'wives' he has less disire to keep close. Yet many facilities actually have only a male lion consultant or serf at best in reach, and will otherwise actually employ and pay out females that qualify their terms. Often females are of a pure-blooded Felidaric variety, and enjoy the money, and can bring some appeal with their hair. Yet actual migrational Felyrans, and Pawslovicore colonials are still viable and found in these facilities, as well as hybrids in rare and loose cases. There is usually a weight-set required on all cuddlers, expecting them to have a fairly distinguished jutting belly at minimum.
Corporation, Business
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