Three Brothers Isles Geographic Location in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Three Brothers Isles

The Three Brothers Isles are an archipelago in the northwestern Aquatic Kingdoms consisting of the islands of Hadesia, Psedonia, and Zewa as well as a few minor outlying islands surrounding the three.


Legend has it that these are the first lands the Olympian Dynasty ever set foot on. The three brothers Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon were all in awe of their natural beauty, and fought bitterly over them for eons. Fricka eventually intervened and suggested they split the three largest islands between them. Thus Zeus took hilly Zewa with its magnificent views of the sky, Hades claimed rocky Hadesia with its deep caves and rich minerals, and Poseidon took watery Psedonia with its many inlets and lakes. The land of the islands shaped the brothers into the rulers of their domains they would later become.   During the Age of Anxiety, the Three Brothers Isles sunk under the sea in a massive flood. They were risen again by the will of the gods in the Age of Complexity. Under the laws provided in the Dancamortian Charter, each island became a favored land for the worshippers of its patron god.
The rocky surface of Hadesia.
Psedonia's wide marshlands.
Mountains off the coast of Zewa, near the midpoint of the three islands.
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