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Reverse Bee

A reverse bee is a tiny insect-like Aberration native to the Liminal Planes. Reverse bees have only recently been discovered by mortal sages, but their properties are being extensively studied to unlock the secrets of Perpetual Flight.   Reverse bees were previously unknown on the Material Plane until their Y1110 discovery by Gnomish Planewalker Gúgal Krøm.

Basic Information


Reverse bees are among the smallest known aberrations, measuring roughly one inch long. They have six legs, four wings, and a three-segmented insectoid body.   A reverse bee's body ends in a long, hollow stinger that extracts blood (or other life-fluids like ectoplasm) from a creature. The sting of a reverse bee leaves a small dent in one's skin that is numb and sensationless in comparison to the flesh around it. Severe cases of reverse bee stings result in days of puckered and sunken flesh.   According to all known laws of aviation, there should be no way for a reverse bee to stop flying. Its wings are large and buoyant, and its body is primarily composed of lighter-than-air helium gas. Sages are still mystified by how reverse bees manage to land on plants and other surfaces anyway. This is just one of many mysteries of the seemingly impossible biology of the reverse bee.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reverse bees require flowering plants to reproduce. They fill the center of flowers with mutagenic eggs that are fertilized by the pollen itself, preventing the plant from reproducing and instead producing reverse bee larvae.

Ecology and Habitats

Reverse bees destroy the trunks of large trees (or occasionally synthetic objects like concrete walls) to form clusters of hexagonal burrows known as hives.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A single, enormous bee at the center of the hive—known as the "king bee"—metabolizes sunlight via photosynthesis and uses it to form a thin, salty liquid that comprises almost the entirety of the reverse bees' diet. The rest of their nutrients come from sucking the blood of much larger beings via the hollow stingers on their rear.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Reverse bees can see far more colors than any Humanoid, much like most other aberrations. Their senses of touch and smell are limited, but they have extraordinary sight, taste, and hearing. Their antennae serve as additional "ears" through which they can easily process sound waves. Because of this, reverse bees are incredibly sensitive to the sounds around them, particularly music, and will attack anyone making sounds they dislike. In particular, they seem to loathe jazz.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Reverse bees are easily recognizable from their bluish-purple stripes.
Related Ethnicities


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