Gnomelociraptor Species in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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The gnomelociraptor was the first animal created by Gnotan in the Age of Tranquility. It is the direct ancestor of the modern-day Gnome. Gnomelociraptors are thought to have evolved during the Age of Anxiety, due to influences from the Titans combined with evolutionary pressures from the first Fiends. Other close relatives to the gnomelociraptor include the ostrich and the cassowary.

Basic Information


Gnomelociraptors were small, nimble bipedal dinosaurs with sharp claws and long tails. They were roughly three feet long from nose to tail, and stood approximately two feet off the ground when fully grown. They were carved by Gnotan from wood, stone, or earth, and their skin is believed to have borne similar coloration and patterning to that of the modern gnome.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The teeth of gnomelociraptors were designed to tear into hardwood and earth, consuming the same materials from which they were crafted.

Biological Cycle

Some of the earliest fossil records discovered by the archaeologists of Dodiöu Réijmí contain what is thought to be gnomelociraptor eggs. However, Age of Anxiety legends and records describe gnomelociraptors found near Human villages as giving live birth, much like modern-day gnomes. It is unclear as to whether one or both of these accounts is factual.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Gnomelociraptors had intelligence similar to modern corvids. They were capable of complex social behaviors, problem-solving, and tool use.
50-70 years
Average Height
2 feet


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