The Weird Wilds Geographic Location in Onus | World Anvil
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The Weird Wilds

"That's just how the Wilds are--someone goes for a five-minute walk behind their house and is found fifty miles away, you hear your camping buddy calling you from outside the tent while he's sitting next to you, and the animals are just... wrong. The deer are too smart, the bears spend too much time on their hind legs, and a housecat once unzipped my backpack and stole my jerky."


The Wilds creep in where visibility is limited. Forests of any kind are prone to becoming Wilds where the influence of the Gods wanes.

Fauna & Flora

The Wilds hold plenty of mundane creatures--deer, bears, fish and the like--but it is also home to the Cryptids.   Some have names, like the Eyebrights and Prattlecats , while others are so poorly known that they can only be described as what they're not.

Natural Resources

The Wilds holds an abundance of wood, water, and rare herbs for those who brave them, but the more that is taken, the higher and more certain the price.
Alternative Name(s)
The Wilds, The Other Place
Dimensional plane
Location under

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