Kuvna the Wealthy in Ondûn | World Anvil
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Kuvna the Wealthy

Kuvna, called the Wealthy, was a kobold kasdah and the hatchling of Zhoraska the Red Matron. Considered Zhoraska's second in command, Kuvna would eventually replace the dragon as the "marux" (lit. "mother" in Draconic) upon Zhoraska's death in 69 2A. Kuvna's reign was short, lasting less than a week, before she was killed by mercenaries of the Menagerie.  


During her brief reign in 68 2A, Kuvna was a mature kobold and already displaying signs of her nacent draconic nature. As a kasdah, she was most recognizable by her leathery wings. She bore all the hallmarks of Zhoraska's parentage – her scales were deep-red, her horns prominent and she could even muster a small fire breath, much earlier than her other kobold brethren. Her nickname came from her chosen apparel – as much dwarven jewelry as she could adorn herself with.  


Second Age

Hatched in 58 2A in the ruins of Cloudfall, Kuvna was the kasdah of Zhoraska's third brood and, while she quickly rose to prominence amongst her fellow kobolds, the ancient wyrm's unusual tendency to mother her children curtailed Kuvna's ambitions. From a very young age, Kuvna was jealous of her mother and sought a means to one day supplant her, despite how impossible this might appear.   Lo and behold, when Zhoraska the Red Matron was finally slain in 68 2A, Kuvna saw her opportunity. Gathering the scattered kobolds to the dragon's hoard in the crashed sky-castle, Kuvna declared herself the "marux" and that all kobolds of her mother's brood were subject to her rule. Naming herself Kuvna the Wealthy, her reign was exceptionally short, lasting less than week. The Menagerie, Zhoraska's slayers, marched on Cloudfall to claim the treasure hoard.  


Thanks to her station, Kuvna believed herself superior to other kobolds and, in her heart of hearts, superior even to her ancient mother, Zhoraska. Arrogant and self-assured, Kuvna was nonetheless cunning and deceitful, knowing what her comparative strengths were. Her weakness was her pride – any challenge to her authority could cause her to act rashily and compromise her position.  


The Menagerie

  • Khûm: When the Menagerie marched on Cloudfall to claim the dragon's gold, they were confronted by none other than Kuvna, now commanding the kobold remnant. She attempted to deceive the mercenary company by telling them the gold was relocated and, playing into this lie, much of the army marched away, while a small strike team stayed behind to call this bluff. When this plan was exposed, Griffon challenged Kuvna to single combat and, while reluctant to accept, Kuvna had no choice. When Remorhaz was spotted sneaking into the castle, the kobolds opened fire and broke the terms of the duel, prompting the Menagerie scouts to leap from hiding and rescue the Commander's Tent. It was ultimately Blink who claimed Kuvna's life, torn to pieces in the worg's jaws (Chapter 2021).
Name: Kuvna
Epithet: the Wealthy
Ancestry: Kobold
Born: 58 2A (Cloudfall)
Height: 3'11"
Weight: 41 lbs lbs
Scales: Red
Eyes: Yellow
Alignment: Neutral Evil
First Appearance: Khûm – Chapter 20
Final Appearance: Khûm – Chapter 21 (death)

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