Knights Metro in Ondûn | World Anvil
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Knights Metro

The Knights Metro were a knightly order, sworn to the defense of the cities of Thorp. The largest police force in the city and the world, the Knights Metro wielded tremendous influence across the Nation of Cities. While not universally accepted in every member-city, at the height of their power, they counted the vast majority of Thorp under their sway.  


Members of the Knights Metro were typically trained from a young age in swordplay and horsemanship. While on duty, they rode about the city in heavy armor, atop armored warhorses. Often more keepers of the peace than frontline soldiers, they would nonetheless gallop into danger to protect the citizens at a moment’s notice.   The sigil of the Knights Metro was a city map, often depicting the precinct to which they were assigned. This, coincidentally, made them quite adept at giving directions.  


All Hail Yog

  • The Watchtowerr: Led by the cleric Zojan of the Soulsworn, a company of the Knights Metro were stationed at the Gatehouse in 895 4A, charged with its defense against the Yogothic invasion forces. Though ultimately unsuccessful, they valiantly defended the island fortress against three successive assaults.
  • The Covenant:In 898 4A, Lord Mayor Osvaldo Goldglass elected not to use the Knights Metro as security for his secret meeting of the Covenant Kingdoms. Perhaps this was his undoing for the assassins of Yog slew him at that very meeting.
Name: Knights Metro
Type: Knightly order
Seat: Quorum
Region: Thorp 
Allegiance: Thorp 

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