Brevoy Organization in Anvil | World Anvil


Brevoy (pronounced BRE-voy) is a nation in far northeastern Avistan on the verge of tearing itself apart. The political entity known as Brevoy was once two vastly different nations locked in a constant state of war before being conquered by a foreign despot: Choral the Conqueror. After centuries under the rule of Choral and his descendants, they suddenly all disappeared, and Brevoy must now decide its own destiny.


Brevoy is a relatively young nation, having only existed since 4499 AR. The history of Brevoy before this time is the history of two often-warring nations: Issia and Rostland. The coming of Choral the Conqueror changed all this. After securing the defeat and surrender of the two nations, Choral christened his family House Rogarvia. Choral only ruled his new land for a decade before disappearing, leaving his descendants to rule, and using the threat of the conqueror's return and his fearsome dragon allies to maintain their power. The dragons seemingly disappeared after Brevoy's creation, but they returned once to lay siege to Skywatch, an observatory-cum-fortress held by those still loyal to Rostland. The Rogarvians' rule ended with the mysterious disappearance of every member of House Rogarvia in 4699 AR (an event known as the Vanishing), leaving Brevoy's noble families to pick up the pieces and fall back into their centuries-old disagreements. Eventually House Surtova gained the upper hand and Noleski Surtova rules fragile Brevoy today.

Founding Date
4499 AR
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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