The Maelstrom Defenders Organization in Omentibus | World Anvil
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The Maelstrom Defenders

Long ago five adventurers banded together, all from three separate factions. All with a common goal, defend their factions from their worst enemy yet: themselves. In the old times, everyone wanted to seize control of the Maelstrom. Its confusing magical properties were almost impossible to resist. Seeing that the Maelstrom's power could shatter the known world in the wrong hands these four adventurers took up arms against their own. They spread their message through missionaries. They banded together to halt invasions. Eventually, they had no choice but to seize the thrones themselves. With the people and the gods behind them, they quickly earned their leadership. Their legendary actions earned them the title of the Maelstrom Defenders, and their message stands to this day. Now the defenders stand for something bigger, faction unity. The major kingdoms all banded together under the flag of Maelstrom Defender once, but that time is slowly ending.
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