Airmid Cneasaí Character in Olutanri | World Anvil
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Airmid Cneasaí

(Irish) We are Healer

An elderly Halfling healer that operates out of their home, Botháin Cneasaí near Litenåsby.   Airmid moves stiffly and slowly but always with deft purpose. She speaks clearly and plainly with a steady, caring demeanour no matter the panic and strain her company may insist upon. She is incredibly wise and skilled in the healing arts with a talent for natural healing and herbalism.   She has no set hours and has no qualms treating friend or foe. She prices her services based on her insight of the patient at the end of the treatment. The few things that get on her nerves are disregard for herself, her home, her garden, and her patients.   Other than the memory of her brother who died young and was buried somewhere on the property (though she couldn't say exactly where) and her father leaving a few years later, Airmid is completely absent minded of any events outside her home despite her advanced age. She never leaves her property and is completely self sufficient to the point she has no regard for the news of the "outside world".
Secret Abilities

Inventor and practioner of Delignification, one of the few methods capable of curing Lignification.   Airmid is immortal. She alone possesses the complete knowledge of herbalism in all its forms; however, she is unable to freely access or share this information. It merely comes to her as inspiration in times of need.
Obscure Lore (Halfing, History, Religion, Herbalism)
Airmid watched her father murder her brother over a (relatively) trivial matter centuries ago on the very grounds she calls her home today. Devestated she tried every known method of healing and resurrection to bring him back to life. Failing, she cried over her brothers body for a full year (120 days per the Ölütanrıan Calendar). Each morning a new herb that was previously unseen in the world sprouted from her tears and her brother's body. For another year Airmid nurtured and harvested these herbs, devising new ways to heal and cure in her persistent search to undo death. Still she failed.   Her father watched those two years pass in silence. Regret turned to contempt for his daughter. How could his daughter continue to seek a way to revive his long dead son with her every waking moment rather than grieve and move on like he had done? The night of the second anniversary of his son's passing, Airmid's father stole all her herbs and disappeared. Travelling the world, he cast each herb into a different location. Never again will someone try so hard to undo death.   With her father's departure and her herbs missing, Airmid finally buried her brother properly. She planted an herb garden that she actively maintains as her memory of the past fades from her mind. Only the love for her brother and a deep desire to help others avoid similar pain motivates her day-to-day. The well in the center of her property holds her tears now. Each night she stares into the black depths of the stone well adding drop after drop. No sobs or convulsions pass through her body. Just the steady drip drip drip contibutes to the night.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Non-Binary, nonplussed with specific pronouns (will respond to any/all)


Asexual, Aromantic

Table of Contents

Neutral Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Sky Blue with Spikes of Emerald GreenHeterochromia (Complete)
Snow white, shoulder length, stringy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
2' 4"
26 lb
Known Languages

Ruled Locations

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Author's Notes

This character is based on Airmed of Irish mythology , a Tuatha De Danann . I personally found "Airmed - Herbal Working Ancestor - An Inspiration" an interesting read as well.

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