Clan Bloodmantle Organization in Olquen | World Anvil

Clan Bloodmantle

A clan of Duergar who inhabit the Underdark beneath the eastern side of Kirinor.   The Bloodmantle's ancestral home is their capital city of Gogh Ulum. For centuries they thrived on gold and other valuable mineral deposits within their home caves, but of late they have exhausted many of these veins and have been pushed to find alternate sources of wealth. Even before their prosperity faded, they longed to seize the mines of Burimm to enrich their own coffers and extend their power in the east. Where the Dwarves of Burimm had strong ties to the Kirinian Empire and wielded great power, the Bloodmantle's were relegated to afterthoughts of the Underdark. While their numbers have never been such that they could risk a direct attack against Burimm, they have been able to engage in guerilla warfare on an ongoing basis for centuries.
Geopolitical, Clan
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Related Ethnicities


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