Bleakcroft Bypass Geographic Location in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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Bleakcroft Bypass

A natural cave spanning between  just outside of Bleakcroft and into Outofgrasp, largely ignored due to whispers of dark monsters. This place is unguarded, as any guards sent to prevent using this route mysteriously dissapear, even in larger numbers. Only a few Refugees are reported to have made it through to the other side, even to the point where plucky treasure hunters have supposedly met their demise down there. Legend tells of an even darker secret. Some years ago a human-like creature not native to the plane appeared and quickly vanished into this tunnel. No one is sure why they found themselves in such a place, or why; or why even did they travel through the tunnel (for this was before outofgrasp existed or even needed to exist).


A small series of cave chambers , the walls consisting mostly of blackstone and basalt, stalagmites and stalagtites form natural traps, be they falling from the ceiling or  naturally occuring spike pits. there is a little elevation in places but not so much that the bottom is deep underground


Feriocious beasts, smaller fiends, and other nasties make their home here; some not even native to the plane.

Localized Phenomena

Signs of the mysterious human who wandered down here can be seen on the walls. Insane glowing purple and blue scribbles, ranging from words and incomprehensible shapes to one reoccuring symbol: a human symbol with one arm raised as if waving. there are some variations of this, including one larger version that looks more like a cyclops-found on an ominious darksteel door that looks very out of place.

Natural Resources

Some natural deposits of lead and Shadowsteel can be found here, as well as the occasional chunk of gold or silver.

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