Pit of Seething Vengeance Building / Landmark in Old Zenithas | World Anvil
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Pit of Seething Vengeance

A temple-like expanse built around a forgotten section of a dangerous cave. Locked behind a door no-one has yet been able to answer; it's existance only raises more questions than it answers. Is this where the strange human dissapeared down? what do the symbols mean? what is the significance of the cyclops-like figure? why does the door have a rectangular indent? where does the door lead? All these questions and more could be answered if the door could only be opened. But what might be released unnerves the few who have seen said door and lived to tell of it. Unnatural energy leaks through, making one's hairs stand on end...and yes, unnatural even by dark world standards. One can only dread what dwells in the depths
  Exploring doww; one would find the place inhabited by fiendish creatures, as is normal. however most if not all seem to be of the Infernity Archetypal lineage, an unusual coincidence to be sure. More markings are etched onto the wall, some more of the same but others apprear to be other symbols, such as; a monkey, a spider, a lizard, a whale, 2 different types of bird. More ornate carvings off all the aforementioned are also prevalent, and a statue of a bat winged, spider-like creature can also be found in what appears to be a prayer/shrine room.  At the heart of it all is an impossibly large round chamber with a near bottomless pit, from which a faint rainbow light dwells.


While it is made from a combination of natural formations of blackstone,basalt, and lavastone, the building sections appear to be made of a kind of sandstone; fitted and chiseled into a variety of aztec patterens and designs.
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