Poppy Z. Newgate Character in Old Canon | World Anvil

Poppy Z. Newgate

The Strongest Iron Lady (a.k.a. TOPGATE)

Adopting parent of Balthazar Skyburner

Physical Description

Special abilities


  • Solid State: Poppy can vastly harden her entire body to the point where her skin is like that of iron or even to the extreme of becoming so dense she becomes unmovable. All of the magical attacks whilst in Solid State pack an extra punch.
  • Mist State: Poppy's body takes on the properties of gas, becoming intangible, able to pass through any surface or substance. Magical attacks will not land whilst Poppy is in Mist State.
  • Liquid State: Poppy becomes like a free-flowing liquid, gaining advanced reflexes and reaction speeds as well as absorption, able to nullify physical attacks that interact with her body. In Liquid State, Poppy can generate and expel far more Magical Power than she should normally be able to.
  • Plasma State: In this State, Poppy's body reaches the 4th form of matter and gains low-level control over her own electrons and protons for a limited time.

Specialized Equipment

  • Eclipse, Vengeance of Lost Comrades
Eclipse is the weapon of choice for Poppy Newgate, a long sword made from Lunar-Stuff and blessed Ivory Ore, powerful enough to demand two hands to properly wield it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Poppy Ze'Yinda Newgate was born on planet Earth to Edward Newgate and the alien women, Ondea Ze'Yinda. Ondea was a former Imperial Star-Fighter who wound up stranded on Pluto and somehow ended up on Earth where she met her future husband, a skilled swordsman named Edward.   Ondea was happy with Edward on Earth, and their daughter Poppy only made her happier. However, in time, Imperial Troopers came to Earth searching for the deserter, her heresy would be punished. The Newgates were forced to flee from their home, all the while pursued by Imperials. Their luck ran out onboard a civilian transport where they were both cornered and faced a grizzly death. Poppy, only a child at the time, escaped Imperial capture only to run into an Iron Lord.


Poppy Newgate was trained by the Iron Lord Teramoto Kazuko from an early age, shortly after being saved from Imperial imprisonment. Kazuko was a ray of kindness in Poppy's life turned upside down. The greatest thing he ever gave her was her warrior spirit, the idea that to live as you want in this galaxy, you need to be strong, strong enough to protect the ones and things you love.


Poppy was an Iron Lady of the Iron Banner, battling Demons and Angels and all manner of beast and foes under the orders of King Mordred. Poppy was considered to be one of the best Iron Ladies, and once made into a Prime, she became the Herald of King Mordred. Although Mordred was still powerful in his old age, he believed Poppy was far greater than him, greater than his own son, Loholt, and intended for her to succeed him as king of the Iron Banner.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Poppy was good friends with a poor woman on planet Mars, Elosie Skyburner, who fell on her deathbed one day, cut down by the Desolation . In her dying breaths she asked Poppy to take care of her son, Balthazar O. Skyburner. Although he was weak and couldn't fight very well, Poppy maintained her word and looked after him as if he was her own blood, training him to be a powerful Iron Lord so that he wouldn't have to lose anyone else ever again. 

Mental Trauma

Poppy had to see her parents die and was powerless to save them, and was nearly captured by the Empire had Kazuko not intervened and saved her. After that day, Poppy vowed to never be saved again, she would be the strength of others from now one, they would call on her for aid.

Wealth & Financial state

While Poppy makes a well amount of Gems, most of it either went to taking care of her Students or on stupid things like trinkets and toys from alien planets, she is a sucker for street vendors and keep-sakes.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Greatest Gate
  • Favored Steel
Current Residence
City of the Dead
She/ Her
Bright Blue
Snow White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White/ Cream
136 Lbs.
Known Languages
Although Poppy was a skilled Iron Lady and a Royal Herald, she lacked in her non-combative skills, unable to communicate with almost all other Alien Species. She shamelessly uses a Translator when communicating with other Aliens.
Character Prototype
Poppy Newgate is the "mentor" or "teacher" role for my story, she is to Seven Seals what Gojo Satrou is to Jujutsu Kaisen or what Hatake Kakashi is to Naruto. A really powerful side character meant to instruct the protagonist, which would be Balthazar in this case, and guide them on their journey, or at least the start of it. Her Zenkai was also inspired by that of the Op-Op Devil Fruit used by Trafalgar Law in One Piece.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS