Fairy Queen Eyes Spell in Old Canon | World Anvil

Fairy Queen Eyes

Skyburner's got the Fairy Queen Eyes mastered now, he can pose a legitmate threat to our operation if he is left unchecked. See that this does not come to pass."

Created by K. Crawford


The FQE replenishes the user's own Magical Energy as it is being used, preventing them from ever running out of magical energy, allowing skilled users to fight countless enemies for days on end without ever becoming tired or fatigued from magic use.

Side/Secondary Effects

The FQE is a Constant Zenkai, which means once it is Mastered, it remains active until the user dies. This means they never run out of Magical Energy, yes, but they can run low on Life Energy and one may need to rest to recover this or they will be unable to use any of the Four States. Additionally, the FQE extends stamina, but you will still need to consume food and water for substance and energy for your body to continue to use the FQE.



The FQE were first given to Kang Wyat, a conquered who used it to conquer his homeworld, Sundulla Prime, he found the power unrivaled and aimed to conquer his star system but the Familiar Titania grew sick of Wyat and his lust for bloodshed and split from him before he could do more damage.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Related Organizations
Applied Restriction
The FQE only replenishes your natural amount of Magical Energy, it does not give you more than you would normally have access to, if your capacity increases naturally then the Eyes will adjust to it as well.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

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