Kōri, Majikal Energy Spell in Old Canon | World Anvil

Kōri, Majikal Energy

The power to utilize supernatural forces to achieve any effect one desires. Those who possess this ability are known (among other things) as Magicians, Wizards, Warlocks, Sorcerers, Mages, Witches, etc

Created by Khali Crawford

What Is Majik

Magic is made up of two primordial forces, Kō = "Darkness/ Shadow" & Ri = "Brilliant/ Light". Kō is the abstractness of reality and self, the unseen and unknowable which allows things to be or not to be. It is deceptive and aloof with its nature and unknowable in totality. Ri is the constants of reality and self, what is known and what can be done or become. Although they are opposites to each other, be careful when toying with such forces, as Kō and Ri, if too dark or too bright, can both blind you in different ways.   Magic is the intersection of such forces, bringing Abstractness with Solidity to grant the power to change the very fabric of reality. Kō flows from Yomi and Ri flows from Nirvana, joining in a perfect mixture only in the 5th Dimension known as the Realm of Majik. As one can imagine from this explanation, Majik uses both Light & Dark, as do all Mages. However, failure to truly gain balance with this force will result in corruption/ sterilization. One whose Majik aligns too far to Kō and they can become diluted by the Darkness, too far to Ri and one can become purified or hollowed out by the Radiance. Only through meditation and inner-peace can balance be found and True Magic (Kō + Ri) be used to its full effect.

Understanding & Resolve

Understanding is the ability to comprehend Majik on a deeper and fundamental level which leads to a more complete Soul and far greater Majik. A weak fireball spell cast with Understanding is far more effective than a strong fireball spell cast without Understanding. Understanding cannot be given but earned through years of study and self-reflection through meditation.    Resolve is the ability to tap into the forces of Kháos and maintain your sanity and self, having supernatural mental fortitude when faced with the very might of Kháos. Mages used to have very strong Resolve as Kháos had been seeping into Majik for years but after the Story Machine separated Kháos from Majik, we saw a boom in Mages that all lacked Resolve. After Kháos was suddenly reintroduced to Majik at the end of the Age of Fate, almost all Mages could not withstand Kháos and went mad or became Lesser Kháos Gods, and some devolved into mere Kháos Daemons.   Both Understanding & Resolve are needed in this current age to learn Majecraft and become something truly magnificent. Missing one of these traits leads to ruin and damnation. And since neither can be inherited, and instead must be earned through study and training, very few are true "Mages" these days.


Magic, through a system of spoken craft, sigils, and spells, can be used to manipulate the way in which you, or others, interact with reality.


The Eight Arts of Majik

All Magic can be categorized into one of the following 8 Arts. These categories are meant to generally capture how Magica can be released from the body.
  1. Art of Divination -- Magic flows through all things and all people in some capacity, by manipulating one's own energy one can obtain information that was not previously known.
  2. Art of Necromancy -- The manipulation of life energy through Magic as Magic can only flow through the Living. With such an art one could raise the dead or reanimate fallen corpses.
  3. Art of Alchemy -- more of a science than magic, this art seeks to turn something of a specified volume and content into something else of the same or similar qualities with the aid of Magical Energy.
  4. Art of Golemancy -- Involves the act of creating constructs made of, infused with, or powered by one's own Magical Energy that can be given very detailed instructions and orders.
  5. Art of Conjuration -- This art is the ability to move people, items, creatures, or even places from one location in space-time to another in space-time. You could teleport yourself across a ship or conjure monstrous creatures, but you cannot conjure anything you have not already prepared beforehand.
  6. Art of Enchantment -- This is relatively simple as it is the act of imprinting your magical energy onto a person, place, creature, or item to do a certain thing. This action demands a sufficient amount of energy to do but once cast, will not need to be re-cast.
  7. Art of Illusion -- using Magical Energy to manipulate what others see, feel, taste, smell, and hear to achieve the desired effect.
  8. Art of Evocation -- The most simple and basic use of Magical Energy but also very powerful. It basically allows you to 'release' your Magical Energy as something other than Energy, breaking a law of the known universe. One could release their magical energy as lighting or in the form of pure energy to attack an enemy.

Majikal Auras

Magical Aura is the excess of Magical Energy that seeps out from a Mage's body when performing Magecraft. This Aura is a constant in all living beings and is generally a good way to measure one's magical potential. Through the use of Evocation, this Aura can be 'hardened' or made dense enough to defend against physical and magical attacks.

Elemental Release & Tomes

As mentioned with Evocation, Raw Magical Energy can be released from the body in a number of different forms, such as beams of concentrated energy or aura shields around one's body. They can also be released in the form of basic Elements, this is referred to as an Elemental Release. Everyone has a type of Element that they have an affinity for but all Mages can release their Magical Energy as any Element, given that they receive sufficient training. Elemental Releases can play a tactical role in combat or utility and is great for enhancing one's spells or Magecraft without much difficulties.
Outside of this there is an Elemntal Tome, the 'Source' for any one element, inherited from generation to generation. What makes a Tome unique is that once it is obtained, a person can only use said element. For example, if you inherited the Infernal Tome you would not be able to release your Magical Energy as any other Element other than Fire/ Heat. In exchange for this deteriment, those with a Tome not only have a far greater understanding of said element, which leads to stronger Magic in general, but they also receive unique powers from said Tome. As an additional note, Evocation + Alchemy can be used to create new solid matter to achieve things such as creating a sword from noting.

Inherited Techniques

Inherited Techniques are genetic mutations that employ Mana Cells to achieves a certain Majikal result, Majikal skills and abilities passed down through direct bloodlines. 3 types of Techniques exist, Command, Constant, and Conditional; Command needs to be manually called upon and deactivated, Constant is on from birth till death, and Conditional only triggers once a certain x condition is satisfied. 
Mixing bloodlines with certain Techniques can sometimes result in an entirely new Technique being developed, or in rare cases, offspring are born with both Techniques. But muddying the bloodline too much may diloute the gene pool and breed out the Technique altogether.


The Soul

Map of the Soul by Crawford, Khali
All living things have a Soul, which is the lump sum of all that they were, are, and can be. The Soul can be mapped and understood as the 10 Sephirot; Keter (Crown), Binah (Knowledge), Hochmah (Wisdom), Gevurah (Judgement), Hesed (Kindness), Hod (Splendor), Netzah (Eternity), Yesod (Foundations), Tiferet (Beauty), and Malkhut (Kingdom). The Soul is internal for Majik because the Magical Energy flows through these 10 Sephirot.
The 10 Sephirot are separated into 3 pillars; Binah, Gevurah, and Hod are the Left Pillar, the Pillar of Severity, which is intrinsically linked with the Darkness. Hochmah, Hesed, and Netzah are the Right Pillar, the Pillar of Mercy, which is associated with the Radiance. Keter, Tiferet, Yesod, and Malkhut are of the Middle Pillar, the Pillar of Harmony.
The Pillar of Severity channels Negative (-) Energy and the Pillar of Mercy channels Positive (+) Energy, meeting at the Pillar of Harmony which is Neutral Energy. Majik is just the manipulation of these energies through rituals, techniques, and runes. The Darkness can be tapped into by channeling Negative Energies and the Radiance can be tapped into via Positive Energies, as they are one and the same. Majik is mixing said ideas and tapping into Neutral Energies, which can allow for far greater results than the sum of its parts. Kháos is also the mixing of said Energies but it teaches the obliteration of Pillars and using all as one.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford



Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Mana Cells

One's body has a set amount of Mana Cells that are decided upon birth. The Cell Counts are categorized as Sai = "Small/ Less", Gon = "Everday/ Often", and Zel = "Greater/ Lot". There are also sub-categories such as Sai-Gon or Zel-Gon. Mana Cells are 'disbursed or 'drained' when Majik is performed and must be recharged before normal use can continue. Mana cells will replenish at a rate of 2x slower than what they were used. This means if you used up all of your Majik in 20 minutes, you will not be back at full power for another 40 minutes. Additionally, the amount of Majik Cells you have will never change.
Material Components
Certain materials affect your Magical Energy in certain ways, broken into three categories; Nullifiers, Conductors, and Amplifies. Nullifiers diminish the power of Magic and weaken or sometimes disburse Magic entirely. The most known Nullifier Ore is Cree Stone, which reduces Magic down to nigh zero, cuffs made from pure Cree Stone can stop you from using any Magic at all. Conductors are the midpoint and can channel Magic normally, almost every other material that is not of the other two categories is a Conductor, they are the most abundant. Amplifiers are materials that boost or amplify Magical Energy that is channeled through them, having the opposite effect of a Nullifier.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

Mage of Eight Arts

A common term thrown around among the more powerful and accomplished Mages is an 8 Arts Mage. This is a title bestowed upon Mages who have Mastery in all 8 fundamental Majikal Arts, able to use them all equally. The keyword is equally, not powerfully, some 8 Arts Mages are very "weak" but have earned their title because they can use all 8 Arts to the same level of skill without any major faults. Because of this, some may come to look down on such mages but it should be noted that mastering any one Art takes years of practice and training and a certain mindset. To master all 8 to Mastery speaks to a Mages's adaptability, skill, finesse, and creativity. And in Majik, creativity is paramount, it's not about the cards you were dealt, but rather how you play them.  

Great Mage Equal to Heaven

Higher than even an 8 Arts Mage is a Great Mage Equal to Heaven, a majestic title reserved for Mages who have displayed an immense amount of power and skill in Majik that makes them a match only for Higher Beings. While some Great Mages are 8 Arts Mages, it is not a pre-requisite and the title is usually given to mages who are seen as literal 'Gods of Majik'. Some of the most well-known are Merlyn Emrys, Mordred Pendragon, and Terrabeth the Terrible.

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This article has no secrets.