Dust Goblins
Dust goblins are a variety of goblins that can survive on tiny amounts of water, and eat almost anything. They tend to be less active that the average goblinoid, and when moved to act are extremely swift and forceful, like a desert snake. They average a height of 3.5 feet and weigh an average of 50 - 70 pounds, of tightly compacted muscle. They can survive in temperatures up to 130f comfortably, and only risk heat exhaustion if in sustained heat exceeding 160f for long periods of time or extreme exertion in similar. They prefer dry climates that to wet. They became known as dust goblins as a diminutive because the region that they were first encountered, it was questioned what there was to eat beyond dust.
Shared customary codes and values
The community comes first. Children are the tribes not the individuals. What you find is the tribes, for the tribe endures beyond the individual.
Common Dress code
Light clothing, often made from thin slices of hide, thin but wide hats.
Art & Architecture
Mud huts and natural cave that have been modified to allow increased airflow caused by convection. In the case of the huts to water proof them for the rare cases of rain or magically induced cases of such, the skins of blaze Spike Cacti are used to line the outer area, this also helps deter predators due to a method of removal that maintains the thorns of the cacti.
Birth & Baptismal Rites
Children are born into communal care, and the parents keep minimal contact. They often take silent pride in their progeny but do not directly acknowledge the child or children.
Coming of Age Rites
A ritual called the The Wilting is undertaken by all goblin children. A child to become an adult must undergo a week long trail of meditation(or sleeping quietly), in which they fast completely. Any intake of water or food means they must restart. During this time they are tested by elders, who test their intelligence, integrity, and their ability to ignore irritation. If they fail they can leave the tribe, and anything the tribe gave them, to survive in the wilds for a period of three to four months. If they return they are an adult.
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